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Article Rating 4 Stars

Message to the...

..."supporter" who sat behind me in the SW Upper today.

You're a clueless, braindead smackhead

If you're there again on Tuesday and insist on spending the whole game shouting obscenities at our goal machine Chrissy Martin, I'll be grabbing the nearest flag and shoving it right up your ar$e.

Ok? Ok.

In other news, Bruiser Hanson played well today. Another top prospect off the production line, so much better than the blonde kid who played last week.

Well played today Derby, keep playing like that we'll soon be stringing the wins together. Well done to Charlton for their resolute defending.

posted on 18/8/15

For all the cynical, corrupt and narcissistic influences that have twisted Marco to the point where he can no longer even watch a match without violent urges, here's a lovely reminder of what the game can be about.


Well done to all involved; heart warming stuff

comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 18/8/15

Should have slapped the little sh!t.s legs and told him to grow up.

posted on 18/8/15

I agree Marco. So he has learned that if he kicks off he will get his own way. I also disagree with posting personal family videos on social media.

Heartwarming NOT.

posted on 18/8/15

How did he 'get his own way'? RvP is still sold.

This is the problem with pubic forums; they allow the public on, and people like Iwas, the 'Fagin of Spondon' and well-known child bully, gets to air his opinions in between making kids cry and stealing from them.

posted on 18/8/15

It's called tough love 666 you soft Oakwood type.

Are you sure you're not a liberal leftie.

posted on 18/8/15

Just because I'm physically imposing and ridiculously handsome people assume "That beefcake doesn't have feelings"... I do. I also think the Fenerbache chairman has played a blinder here and scored well on social media, harnessing its power for great publicity for a relatively small outlay, but it's still a feel-good story rarely produced by the modern game.

What with your tyrannical boot-camp approach to teaching kids the dark arts of the sport and Baz's inexplicable lino calls that even Brendan Rodgers would struggle to accept the honesty of, it's little wonder grass roots football is going down the tubes.

posted on 18/8/15

The game is never over when Baz 'the game changer' has the flag.

posted on 18/8/15

posted on 18/8/15

...Often complimented on my managerial, refereeing, and lino skills

posted on 18/8/15

The poor kid will live to regret this when he's a teenager and someone shows it to his mates. I predict a suicide by 16.

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