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One hell of a team.

The Wardrobe can't muster a place up top.

posted on 8/9/15

All the information you need.


posted on 8/9/15

Owd Spart gets worse. He has no faith in the medical profession but relies on stuff on the Internet written by a doctor for all the information he needs.

posted on 8/9/15

I have very little faith in the medical profession in terms of the efficacy of 90% of their interventions but the article describes muscular bleeding in the calf muscle which is what people were enquiring about. It doesn't take a great deal of skill to describe a complaint and its symptoms. Even you might be able to do it Vidal.

posted on 9/9/15

This site is losing its humour big style.

Liven up please.

posted on 9/9/15

to be fair Igor I've found today's postings to be both fun and enlightening. On the one hand Spart has provided some pedant knocking amusement, on the other hand Spart has genuinely aided my understanding of a Thorne's sporting injury.

Both things have added to my (admittedly small) enjoyment in the day and for that Spart and the other posters in our little community are to be applauded.

posted on 9/9/15

If I was, where, were, wear, wor Thornes, Thorne's, Thornes's doctor I'd be prescribing a kick up the 4rse, the big girl.

Can we all just agree that it's should'ov. (!) (?)

posted on 9/9/15

It's "could we agree" Iwas, not "can we".

posted on 9/9/15

I wish I was as easily pleased as Larry.

Sounds like Thorne has torn a muscle, that's the same thing as "bleeding in the calf". It depends on how bad the tear is. I used to get a lot of calf tears and strains and they were very irritating in that they would feel as though they were completely better and then suddenly go ping again. A couple of weeks is often how long it takes. They aren't as bad as hamstrings because the muscle is smaller and so takes less time to heal. I have used ultrasound to look at tears in my own calf and even with a minor tear you can see the damage quite clearly. In practice, although players always have MR I to look at it they just rest until it feels better and then start building up exercise again.

It tend to be one of the the two bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle that tears or the sole us muscle which converge at the lower end to form the Achilles' tendon. Interestingly more pain often results from a tear in the tiny plantaris muscle in the calf which is almost a vestigial structure contributing virtually nothing to power but which gives plenty of gip when torn.

Assuming this is what he's done. It's a bit weird the club have refused to comment on the injury according to the DET.

posted on 9/9/15

soleus muscle

posted on 9/9/15

tears for fears

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