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Man goes into a pub..

..sees all the fancy foreign beer bottles, Champagne and high end wines on the shelves.

Says to the barman: "How much is that really tasty looking champers on the top shelf, mate?"
Barman: "£150 a bottle, mate."
Bloke: "Mmm, looks good, I fancy that - wait there, I'll have a word with the missus."
Barman: "Okay but hurry up, I've only one left."
Bloke gets back: "She says we'll give you £75 for it."
Barman: "We don't do barters, and anyway that foreign chap over there's just bought the last one."
This goes on for the entire night with the man back and forth from the bar, missing out on exotic liqueurs, quality whiskies, until there's only one bottle of Lambrini left on the shelf and the barman's shouting: "Hurry up old lad, I'm closing in two minutes! Are you having anything or not?"
At which point our chap throws him a quid and snatches the dusty plonk bottle and shuffles off out of the door squabbling with his Mrs as he goes.

Oh sorry.... title should have been 'Spurs and the transfer window (insert year here)'

posted on 31/8/11

so did he get his hole or not?

posted on 31/8/11

Emu's right. A drink doesn't get a choice which throat it goes down. The secret is to stop frequenting the really expensive bars cos your tatty wallet will get found out sooner or later.

Get down the local boozer and play the local flash 'arry. (In other words buy the best that the worst has to offer - i.e Parker)

posted on 31/8/11

If you've got a face like a pork scratching don't go for the hottest girl in the club.

I can do this analogy stuff too.

posted on 31/8/11

You can't be calling Harry and Daniel a couple of cheapskapes...are you?
I just can't believe it!!!!

posted on 31/8/11

A man (?) goes into a pub and yells "drinks on the house!I'm off to Chelsea......"

posted on 31/8/11

comment by messiah is Dave Abbots (U1548)
posted 19 minutes ago
so did he get his hole or not?

Got the ride!

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 31/8/11

Is this a bar ?

posted on 31/8/11

is this humour?

posted on 31/8/11

I think that its clear what the O is trying to say.

Daniel Levy's wife is the one making all the deals.

posted on 31/8/11

Is this the new pub thread?

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