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What an incredible goal

That Martial goal was something else. So so good.

The calm passing out of defence, the one touch football, the skill from Mata, the pass from Rooney and the exquisite finish from Martial.

I can't remember us scoring a goal that good since Ronaldo left.

posted on 3/2/16

Serbian where have you been?!

posted on 3/2/16

Was there last night and thoroughly enjoyed the game.
Can't recall that in a while really.
The whole side played well, as a team. Was impressed with our defending too as we were good around the edge of our area at not letting them turn or thread passes through. They have some technical players now.
BJ had another good steady game with an assist to boot. Good on you son.
Martial was unplayable at times and Rooney rediscovered his zest. Much more movement too and Lingard makes some very good runs.
Of course it's just one game and can we do it repeatedly
we all ask. I suspect not. Chelsea away a very tough game. Does he keep it the same or put some more steel in the team and bring MS in ?
It is far too quiet though OT last night.

posted on 3/2/16

He was also on the verge of scoring another incredible one as he was single handidly taking on the defence from left to right...too bad was a little off to the right post.

posted on 3/2/16

What was encourging last night was the fact that all three goals were great team goals rather than goals which relied on individual moments or idividual errors from defenders. Lovely to see.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 3/2/16

Stretford_Ender85 (U10955)
posted 3 hours, 3 minutes ago
All 3 were good

4 you mean, that disallowed goal was terrible

posted on 3/2/16

Are you talking about a team goal or just any goal? Because I can think of a few off the top of my hat that were better.

posted on 3/2/16

There was so much to admire about Martial's goal. On MOTD, I thought they were showing one of Stoke's chances because we were on the edge of our box, then Carrick clipped it out to the right and I realised it would be our second. Great stuff from Mata and Rooney and an exquisite finish. Had Vardy not scored that screamer on the same night, there may have been more fuss about Martial's goal.

Loved the third as well. That kind of slick, almost nonchalant passing and finishing you only really get when you're already winning and which we've barely seen this season.

posted on 3/2/16

CBJ is looking a real talent also, at LB. Hopefully he can have a Bellerin-esque impact for us this season.

posted on 3/2/16

comment by Who's Kissing Cameras?! (U1703)
posted 2 minutes ago
CBJ is looking a real talent also, at LB. Hopefully he can have a Bellerin-esque impact for us this season.

This is why I'm not too fussed that we didn't bring in a full-back in January. Give Cameron and Varela a chance.

posted on 3/2/16

Whether you agree with the weathered old argument that when Wazza plays well, the team plays well, it's hard to argue against the statement that when Wazza is in goalscoring form, we look an entirely different proposition. He really still is massively important to our fortunes given his role.

A few people seem to have changed their minds about CBJ in the last couple of weeks quite dramatically... Judging young players on a handful of appearances is imprudent and unfair. For me, there's no reason why he might not force Shaw to compete for the number three spot.

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