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Most amazing achievement

Hyperbole is the default for many in the media, but a chance remark the other day on the radio, “that Leicester were having an amazing season" got me wondering what have been the truly great and remarkable moments in Premier League history.

The Arsenal Invincible season was incredible. I appreciate that you can go undefeated and still earn less points than another club – but even so there is something magical about going an entire league campaign without suffering a single defeat. I am not in any way suggesting the unbeaten season is not a fantastic achievement. However for me, I think if Leicester were to win the league this season it would certainly be a more remarkable achievement.

For starters – in the Invincible season Arsenal were easily the best team in the league, and so going into every single match an Arsenal victory was likely, and a positive result (a victory or draw) was heavily odds on to happen. A defeat, even to one of the other big teams, would have been against the odds and so therefore a surprise… so if you take that over the course of the season, is it amazing that a team you expect to win or draw actually wins or draws? Arsenal were brilliant to watch, thoroughly deserved the title and achieved something special that year – but actually what they did wasn’t really that much of a surprise. (I’m a Rangers fan and we went unbeaten in 13/14 – it is a great achievement but at the same time we were by far and away the best team in that division so we shouldn’t have lost a game really).

However Leicester this year I think are doing something that is truly amazing. From the position they were in just a year ago to where they are now, it is quite incredible – and were they to actually go on and lift the title ahead of Man City, Arsenal and Spurs – I have to say I think it would be a far great achievement for those players, and that club. The players are punching well above their weight and most of us have been waiting for reality to come and bite them. It might happen, they could easily lose this weekend… they might lose every game from now until the end of the season… but if they did go on to lift the title, would it be a better achievement for them than Arsenal going unbeaten?

Be interested to hear different views on this and see what others think is the most amazing achievement in football in recent years.

posted on 8/2/16

Yeah if the aim is to get the most points then surely the team with the most points is the better side?

posted on 8/2/16

comment by HRH King Ledley (U20095)
posted 3 days, 13 hours ago
They lost just one more than you

They won three more than you.
But still lost

posted on 8/2/16

WengersNearlyMen - had Arsenal gone undefeated but lost the title to a team that lost one game but over the course of the season earned more points would an Invincible season still be such a great achievement? Surely the team would have failed in its main aim?

posted on 8/2/16

Undefeated is the biggest achievement mate

posted on 11/2/16

Would you have been happy being undefeated but losing the title?

posted on 11/2/16

But we did win the league mate.

posted on 15/2/16

I know... think you are missing the point

posted on 15/2/16

If u go undefeated most likely your going to win the league mate so I can't really comment on otherwise.

posted on 15/2/16

Arsenal's Invincible season didn't set the highest points total for the Premier League - meaning they could have gone an entire season undefeated and yet still have come second. Had that happened would being undefeated still have been revered as an achievement seeing as they will have failed in their prime objective?

posted on 15/2/16

It would still be an achievement but doing it and winning the league is a bigger achievement.

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