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Swansea should never have sacked Gray Monk

So I see we're playing Swansea today and that gives me a chance to get something off my chest. I don't think Swansea should have sacked Gary monk. He was such a cool dude whenever I saw him in interviews, a really nice guy and he had Swansea in the top half of the table last season which is ridiculous for a trash club like Swansea who don't even belong in the Premier League. I don't even know who their new manager is since I don't care about Swansea, but there ain't no way he's better than Monk and I think Swansea have made a huge mistake sacking their best manager ever. Anyway, what do you dudes all think?

posted on 9/4/16

Wow. Wooow. Look, I have a lot of respect for a dude like Gary Monk, but he ain't got shiiit on Conte. Conte has won more league titles in 3 years at Juventus than Liverpool have won in 25 years lulz.

posted on 9/4/16

You do know that seria a is fixed don't you

Worst kept secret in football

But yeah he did well winning a fixed league but is that a greater achievement than getting Swansea to 8th

Hmmm jury's out on that one. Probably too close to call

posted on 9/4/16

Wow, are you really that jealous of Chelsea getting Conte? Dude....

posted on 9/4/16


I wanted monk. Now he's gonna be world class

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posted on 9/4/16

Look, I just think Monk did a good job for Swansea and deserved to stay. No need to get all sarcastic.

posted on 9/4/16

Ok peace out dude. Hope you get the response you were looking for on the Swansea board

posted on 9/4/16

Dunno what you mean by that, but k. Have a nice day Leiva dude.

posted on 9/4/16

Can you imagine what they'd have done to you if Monk was in charge

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 3/6/16


posted on 2/7/16

Recently been hired by Leeds United.

Thoughts Swans fans?

I remember being impressed by the fast flowing football that they played in the Championship promo season.

Also, we just signed Kyle Bartley - opinions on him?

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