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So...whos your choice???

Its playing on my mind. I think I've got it then I think again...and I'm back to square one. I think I know what way id go but I'm sure a few on here will say NO WAY BACKO!!! The midfield on Saturday for me is Hughes holding with Bryson and Hendrick the link. I know before anybody starts that it never worked in the past but Hughsey is older now and I'm convinced hes good enough and disciplined enough to take over from George. Butterfield is probably match fitter than Hendrick but ive this feeling we can get at Hull by tempo and running off Martin. There is a call for Bradley to hold and Hughsey to remain where he is...but id love to know everyones opinion as its a big decision.

posted on 12/5/16

Fundamental point 1. Hughes has to play in his creative role, threading passes through to gaps for our forwards to run onto or directly to Martin. FP 2. We need Brysons energy and running dynamo. FP 3. We've been better with BJ injured.
Once that's established that leaves Baird or Butterfield to play the holding role. The choice must depend on what has been observed on it he trying ground. Only DW and Harry know that so they can earn their pay by making the choice.
That's what I think anyway

posted on 12/5/16

I had a dream last night that Hughes got caught in possession against Hull and it took the combined efforts of himself and Bryson to haul down the escaping player. Both were sent off. I was on the pitch (I assume I was playing as is usual in dreams of this sort), and although I protested to the ref, once he had explained his reasoning (I forget what it was) I felt his decision was a fair one, although disastrous for us of course.

Make of that what you will.

posted on 12/5/16

I also had a dream last night. Steve McClaren spent £80m of Mike Ashleys money, eventually got sacked but had already done so much damage they got relegated anyway. If only dreams came true. Right, i'm just of to have a look at SSN to see whats been happening in the world of Sport the last 24 hours.

posted on 12/5/16

comment by lastapostleofvidal (U1491)
posted 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
I had a dream last night that Hughes got caught in possession against Hull and it took the combined efforts of himself and Bryson to haul down the escaping player. Both were sent off. I was on the pitch (I assume I was playing as is usual in dreams of this sort), and although I protested to the ref, once he had explained his reasoning (I forget what it was) I felt his decision was a fair one, although disastrous for us of course.

Make of that what you will.
I wonder how much the poor, over-burdened taxpayer shelled out for that dream whilst you 'worked' through the night

#teamHunt #JeremyWasRight #Patients4Justice

posted on 12/5/16

I had just returned from a 3-day golf trip in Sussex as it happens, 666. I was very tired and had drunk far too much red wine over the course of the trip. I also ate a bit of goat's cheese on digestive biscuits before I went to bed which may have had something to do with it.

comment by Peeder (U1684)

posted on 12/5/16

But you were at work, right, Vidal?

posted on 12/5/16

I considered it quite hard work, yes. I gave medical opinions by observing various characteristics of my playing companions' physical appearance, and I also educated them on the dangers of some forms of social activity by relating tales of unfortunate events which have occurred to visitors to A/E in pursuit of those activities.

In fact I need to send them a few bill. Thanks for reminding me.

comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 14/5/16

Well, as I thought, choosing a half fit Johnson over Butterfield was the wrong choice.

posted on 14/5/16

"Shots from 30 yards out generally sail away into the crowd or in to the goal keepers hands"

All three scored from distance today

comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 14/5/16

Carson dived like he had a gammy back again.

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