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Hi Guys, I've been playing this over the last few days and I have to say it is a pretty good game but not really a serious FPS.

It looks like Blizzard really wants this and Heroes of the Storm to start making inroads into the e-Sports market and try and recapture the glory years of SC2 LAN games that really paved the way for the e-sports culture we have today.

Are any of you guys playing it and do you think it's a good platform for an e-sport?

posted on 26/5/16

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posted on 26/5/16

The esports side of it could actually kill the game

The longer time to Kill means a well balanced team that's communicating and working together will trounce any team that's not all partied up regardless of skill level

Bit of a barrier to anyone wanting to play casually and on their own

posted on 26/5/16

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posted on 26/5/16


posted on 26/5/16

And hearthstone is by far blizzards biggest esport

posted on 26/5/16

It is at the moment but from what I have read and seen they are really making a push for Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch to be taken up by pro teams. If any gaming company has the backing and funding to make it happen then you would have to think that Blizzard are well capable of it. In terms of the shooters recently released that are multiplayer it's not a bad game. The main reason I would play this is it's very similar to TF2 in terms of play and also Blizzard will be pretty harsh to ban cheaters. BF3 was a joke for allowing hackers to pretty much do what they wanted.

I agree that it will make it harder when you are solo queuing but there are in built voice comms for those that want to use them. So far though the only guys I have heard on there have been non English. It could also become quite toxic, quite quickly but surprisingly less so that moba's.

posted on 31/5/16

its hard, and quite boring, there isnt any real strategy other than go to point a, defend or escort, die and repeat

posted on 31/5/16

I'm in love with it

Playing it as soon as I get home until I go to bed.

Perfectly balanced, brilliant map design, insane replayabillity and similar to hearthstone, can be picked up easily and be played casually but there is great tactical possibility. Nothing more satisfying then playing with 5 friends and using perfect team work and coordination to get through a choke point or manage to orchestrate a defence and stop the payload despite it being so close to the end!

posted on 1/6/16

The more I pay it the more tactical I find it. Changing chars half way through definitely adds something when you are trying to get through a choke point.

My only issue so far is how powerful a Bastion/Mercy combo is, especially if playing with friends and having voice comms. makes it ridiculously easy to defend points etc.

posted on 3/6/16

Apparently 1500 hackers have also been banned and even if they have re-bought the game and done clean installs without hacking they have lasted less than a day. Hopefully it won't see the kind of blanket bans that other Blizzard games have done that catch a lot of innocents but they are taking the issue very seriously.

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