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Conrad Logan

Conrad Logan will have to have surgery for a broken nose and missing teeth after a collision in Rotherhams game with Swindon on Saturday.

Shame for him and I hope he recovers well. But it happened in the first minute and he played the whole game so he gets my respect for his toughness and bravery.

posted on 5/9/11

Yes, I was going to post the same tribute - well done that man.

posted on 5/9/11

Swindon fan here, it was a nasty injury and it took ages for the trainer to stop the bleeding, agree about Logans bravery but question the decision to let him carry on and even more so to let him start again second half. The millers did have the number two goalie kitted up
and ready so it seemed a bit of a strange decision. The foxes are looking good value for money to get promoted this season so all the best.

posted on 5/9/11

Thanks, Notts red. We can only suppose Rotherham's No 2 keeper is very green.

posted on 6/9/11

As silly as this may sound, but if he carried on the whole match with these injuries can only mean he is as tough as nails which will stand him in good stead when fully fit.
Not many would have even contemplated turning out for the 2nd half, let alone carry on in the 1st.
Credit due Conrad.

posted on 6/9/11

Agree, he must be pretty hard to continue with those injuries, adrenaline would of kept him going for the first half but he must of been feeling sore for the second. Still think the decision to carry on should have been taken out of his hands. Having said that perhaps the physio etc were happy for him to carry on. Did he have his surgery today, and how long is he expected to be out ? Wish him a speedy recovery.

posted on 6/9/11

Sounds nasty but lets hope Logan gets better, nasty injury from the sounds of it

posted on 13/3/13

posted on 13/3/13


posted on 14/3/13


posted on 11/9/17


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