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It was the NHS not Boxing that is to Blame

Mike Towel was suffering from terrible headaches weeks before the bout and went to the Hospital because they were so bad.

The doctor there claimed that they were just migraines, even though he was rolling around on the floor in pain waiting to see the doctor, and was referred to his GP who prescribed some pain killers.

Towell knew something was not right and begged the doctors to scan him. But is an all to common story these days, that doctors turn patients away in desperate need because they have to stay in budget.


posted on 4/11/16

Comment Deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 4/11/16

Breast augmentation could mean breast reduction which is a medical issue.

It could also mean implants, which for many of the women who receive it is a solution to depression.. So to quote your good self.. Don't trivialise those people.

Btw, France, Holland, Denmark, Czech Republic all have worse survival rates for cancer but guess what.. The NHS treats more than cancer.

It has to deal with an epidemic in heart disease, increasing rates of dementia, increasing rates of allergies, an explosion in diabetes, increasing resistance to antibiotics and treatments for superbugs. On top of emergency traumas, mental health and many other health issues. All on a limited budget where everyone, from the richest to those thousands of folk surviving on food banks, has access to it and can be treated.

Contrary to what you believe or whatever the Mail has been telling you, life expectancy is increasing and infant mortality rates have been decreasing. This again puts more pressure onto the service yet thousands of lives are still saved each year.

posted on 4/11/16


posted on 4/11/16

comment by JukeboxJunkie - A wrong decision is better tha... (U10162)
posted 1 minute ago
Breast augmentation could mean breast reduction which is a medical issue.

It could also mean implants, which for many of the women who receive it is a solution to depression.. So to quote your good self.. Don't trivialise those people.

Btw, France, Holland, Denmark, Czech Republic all have worse survival rates for cancer but guess what.. The NHS treats more than cancer.

It has to deal with an epidemic in heart disease, increasing rates of dementia, increasing rates of allergies, an explosion in diabetes, increasing resistance to antibiotics and treatments for superbugs. On top of emergency traumas, mental health and many other health issues. All on a limited budget where everyone, from the richest to those thousands of folk surviving on food banks, has access to it and can be treated.

Contrary to what you believe or whatever the Mail has been telling you, life expectancy is increasing and infant mortality rates have been decreasing. This again puts more pressure onto the service yet thousands of lives are still saved each year.

Britain has the worst cancer survival in western Europe, according to the largest ever study of the disease.

Research comparing 29 countries across shows survival rates in Sweden are almost one third higher than in the UK.

The study of over 20 million cancer patients found survival in this country is worse than every country in western Europe.

Only patients in eastern Europe and the Balkans fare worst.

The report, presented to the European Cancer Congress in Vienna, compared overall survival across a host of different types of cancers.

Countries such as France, Italy, and Germany all did far better than the UK, which was on a par with the Czech Republic.

Experts said much of the difference reflected the fact other countries offered tests far more quickly.

Try not to lie to make points. I can easily discredit your lies.

posted on 4/11/16


As it is, at least everyone in this country can be treated for cancer. It isn't a lottery unlike other countries where you have to be lucky enough to afford insurance unless you want to rack up thousands upon thousands in debt.

And cancer isn't the only issue facing the NHS.

All of that is missing the point though. The NHS didn't kill that boxer. He did that all by himself, with the help of his management and the sport itself.

posted on 4/11/16

I also have no idea why you're bringing up cancer when it has nothing to do with this guy fighting even though he knew he shouldn't have been.

posted on 4/11/16

comment by JukeboxJunkie - A wrong decision is better tha... (U10162)
posted 1 minute ago

As it is, at least everyone in this country can be treated for cancer. It isn't a lottery unlike other countries where you have to be lucky enough to afford insurance unless you want to rack up thousands upon thousands in debt.

And cancer isn't the only issue facing the NHS.

All of that is missing the point though. The NHS didn't kill that boxer. He did that all by himself, with the help of his management and the sport itself.
Well that is up for the courts to decide, and they have been finding the NHS guilty a lot recently

comment by Joejoe (U7141)

posted on 4/11/16

Juke dont entertain this frickin clown he is known troller on the boxing board.

I only replied to the thread cos the Mike Towell incident really got to me cos I was at the Radisson that night to watch it. I met Mike twice before and used to box for about 4 years. D4 if you are familiar with the boxing scene you will know just how poorly regulated the low levels are. I aint giving you any more time on this thread its a bull$hit point scoring excercise over a fight that should never had taken place.... Yeah sure there is a finger that could be pointed at the NHS for the misdiagnosis but there without doubt is at the VERY LEAST an equal amount of blame (my view more as they had far more background knowledge than the doctors) to be laid at his team around him. This you cannot deny you simply cant, they were aware something was wrong as was Iron Mike yet you have not created an article for that and totally dismissing the thought of the sport and the team around him being in the wrong.

NOW F**K OFF BACK TO moaning how Pac-man was robbed ya boring, agenda working point scoring PRIK.

Thoughts will always go out to Mike and his family, may they find peace and hopefully this helps open the eyes to other boxers and their teams that may come across similar situations.....

Admin close this thread pls

posted on 4/11/16

comment by delboy82 (U7141)
posted 2 minutes ago
Juke dont entertain this frickin clown he is known troller on the boxing board.

I only replied to the thread cos the Mike Towell incident really got to me cos I was at the Radisson that night to watch it. I met Mike twice before and used to box for about 4 years. D4 if you are familiar with the boxing scene you will know just how poorly regulated the low levels are. I aint giving you any more time on this thread its a bull$hit point scoring excercise over a fight that should never had taken place.... Yeah sure there is a finger that could be pointed at the NHS for the misdiagnosis but there without doubt is at the VERY LEAST an equal amount of blame (my view more as they had far more background knowledge than the doctors) to be laid at his team around him. This you cannot deny you simply cant, they were aware something was wrong as was Iron Mike yet you have not created an article for that and totally dismissing the thought of the sport and the team around him being in the wrong.

NOW F**K OFF BACK TO moaning how Pac-man was robbed ya boring, agenda working point scoring PRIK.

Thoughts will always go out to Mike and his family, may they find peace and hopefully this helps open the eyes to other boxers and their teams that may come across similar situations.....

Admin close this thread pls
I have clearly said they are issues in boxing around safety and medical checks should be a must before any pro fight. But lets make it clear the man went to see a doctor was told it was something minor with no real check or diagnosis and was giving pain killer to treat it.

The family are now suing the NHS. And don't think for a moment this is an isolated case, it is a growing trend.

posted on 4/11/16

His family have filed a complaint, who said anything about courts?

End of the day the NHS didn't send him into that ring. If he knew there was something wrong (which he clearly did) then he had a responsibility to himself and his family not to fight until he got the brain scan he was so desperately asking for.

He allowed it to happen.

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