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Spurs' Winning Run vs United's Unbeaten Run

Do you think that Spurs' winning run and United's rather turgid unbeaten run will still be in place by the time they play each other a week on Sunday? If so which one do you think will come to an end in that match? Will Mourinho be able to get the United team to grind out a goal-less draw at the last ever match at White Hart Lane or will they give us a pasting like last season?

posted on 2/5/17

comment by ♥©MTC™♥ (U19797)
posted 2 hours, 55 minutes ago
uniteds unbeaten run means nothing when all you do is draw the games

embarrassing considering how much fecking money you lot have spent over the last 3 years


comment by ♥©MTC™♥ (U19797)
posted 2 hours, 50 minutes ago
uniteds unbeaten run means nothing when all you do is draw the games

embarrassing considering how much fecking money you lot have spent over the last 3 years


There are steps you can take to relieve anal discomfort quickly. Try these tips:

Keep the area clean. It’s important to keep the an*s clean of any faecal matter, but avoid using soaps that can further irritate sensitive skin. Warm water can work wonders. Try taking a sitz bath, sitting in a shallow tub of warm water for 15 minutes several times a day when the an*s is irritated. Allow the area to air-dry or gently dab with a clean towel rather than rubbing.
Apply a cream or ointment that creates a protective barrier. Protecting your sensitive, sore skin from exposure to fae*es with a cream barrier can ease anal discomfort and itch. Your doctor may recommend a prescription cream or an over-the-counter ointment.
Sprinkle it with powder. Apply a little dusting of cornstarch or unmedicated talcum powder to the area to keep it comfortable.
Let the air in. Moisture can further irritate the thin skin of the anal area. Wearing loose-fitting clothing and cotton underwear can allow air to circulate, which can be soothing.
Don't wipe with dry toilet tissue. Instead, try a moist towelette that slides along the skin and doesn’t pull at it. Make sure it doesn't contain alcohol, which is drying and can further aggravate skin.
Soothe with a numbing agent. Rubbing in a cream or ointment that contains witch hazel can numb sore haemorrhoids and relieve anal discomfort, while hydro-cortisone creams can alleviate anal itch. However, check with your doctor before using these types of creams.
Avoid re-injury. If you're still straining to have a bowel movement while your haemorrhoids or anal fissures are healing, you'll probably be in significant pain. You also run the risk of getting another haemorrhoid or re-opening your anal fissure before it is healed. Taking a stool softener can make bowel movements easier to pass while anal fissures and haemorrhoid heal.
Apply an ice pack. Not only will this reduce anal discomfort, it will also help to alleviate the painful swelling of haemorrhoid.
Take a pain reliever. Using an over-the-counter pain-relieving medication, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can help manage anal discomfort and pain.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 2/5/17

comment by Better Call Ander - Football taught by Matt Busby (U11781)
posted 3 hours, 11 minutes ago
I can see us losing this one 3-0.
Yes, because your defence is your problem

posted on 2/5/17

Spurs are big favourites to win. We have more games, more injuries and they have been better in the league.

It's a failure on their part of they don't beat us.

posted on 2/5/17

Spurs won't win anything this season lol.

posted on 2/5/17

Imagine if Chelsea finish on 90 points and Spurs finish on 89 points. That would be hilarious. Spurs players will want to fight Chelsea again.

posted on 2/5/17

comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 2 hours, 9 minutes ago

if everyone had your mindset then we would all be Real Madrid fans and the world would be a very boring place.

got anything more interesting to add, or are you done for the day?

from a club celebrating finishing ahead of their rivals for the first time in 20 years, with zero trophies to show for it. don't know how you even have the b@lls to contribute to any discussion about the relevance of trophies.

posted on 2/5/17

Man United's unbeaten run most boring ever lol @ Robb

posted on 2/5/17

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posted on 2/5/17

LVG took more points in 22 games in his first season then Mourinho has done in this 25 game unbeaten run lol.

comment by (U18814)

posted on 2/5/17

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