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Pogba. The fee is relevant IMO.

I get that he’s young.

I get that he’s played a lot of football in the past year without much of a break.

And I fully bloody understand that United fans feel we judge him harshly based on the fee paid for him.

But the reality is we do live in a world where we are going to expect more because of the fee spent.

Nobody could tell me Torres was worth the 50m we paid for him and he currently has a Champions League Semi-Final clinching goal and earned a corner in the final that led to our equaliser

It’s the nature of the beast. Of course he could go on to be the dominant midfielder in the league for the next 5-8 years. But it’s still a fact that in the football world for a world record fee, you are expected to hit the ground running.

United fans, if he had joined City for the same fee and gave the same level of performances this season, would you be a defensive of him?

posted on 3/5/17

comment by Robbing_Hoody (U6374)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 4 minutes ago
I never said Liverpool were in the wilderness.. Ergo, I have nothing to deal with.

So why are we conversing?

Because my estimation of you from previous threads is that you're less obtuse than plenty of folks on here, ergo worthy of conversing with...

If you'd prefer, I could red flag you and you'll join the list of illustrious people I completely ignore. You'd be in Hafi and Winston's company if that sweetens it for you...

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 3/5/17

Being in Hafi's company is cruel but with Winston is death by 1000 cuts.

posted on 3/5/17

comment by Neo (U9135)
posted 45 minutes ago
Being in Hafi's company is cruel but with Winston is death by 1000 cuts.

You have Winston spot on. I think I'd been on here less than a week when I blocked him out.

posted on 3/5/17

Comment Deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 3/5/17

comment by NPE - The New Romantic (U20804)
posted 11 minutes ago
Can someone explain the point of this article to me, it goes in knots after two lines.
Read no further than the op for your explanation...


posted on 3/5/17

I'm not one to bang on about the fee either. There is so much to consider: sellers market, commercial value, years of service in his tank. By the time Pogba is in his peak, at the going rate he may prove a bargain.

That is a different story and possibly a worrying trend but I often think about hindsight in football and what a, relatively great value and quality team could be put together which was seen as a obscene waste of money at its conception.

Despite knowing what a talent he was think back to how most of us felt at the fee paid for Ronaldo, it was, in my opinion a bargain.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 3/5/17

It's both relevant and irrelevant. Relevant in the sense you'll always expect a player who cost 90mil to produce game changing performances week in week out, which despite Pogba's pretty good stats he simply isn't doing.

But it's irrelevant in the respect that no central midfielder can possibly justify a price tag of 90mil so United brought him in knowing he wasn't value for money, for that money you want goals regardless of the player's position. So from that prospective he can only be judged on what he brings to the team, and in that respect he's been a success - almost any United fan would say they'd rather have him than not.

posted on 3/5/17

The issue I have with Pogba is that I don't even think he's this exceptional talent that many seem to believe he is.

Obviously he's a very good player, but in all the games I've seen him in (for United, Juventus and France), I haven't seen a performance that really impressed me to the point which would justify the amount of hype he generates.

posted on 3/5/17

comment by The Sniper (U21079)
posted 1 hour, 19 minutes ago
The issue I have with Pogba is that I don't even think he's this exceptional talent that many seem to believe he is.

Obviously he's a very good player, but in all the games I've seen him in (for United, Juventus and France), I haven't seen a performance that really impressed me to the point which would justify the amount of hype he generates.

Putting the (direct) commercial stuff aside he was more than a footballing signing for United, at at time where their stock was low he was a statement signing. He is a high profile player and securing him sends out a message. It creates a buzz, he was a player they knew the could land given his history with the club and one which can attract other high profile additions.

posted on 4/5/17

comment by Manc Python (U17527)
posted 13 hours, 16 minutes ago
Every clubs fans defends their players as much as they can

Is he worth what we paid for him? No
Has he been a good buy? Yes
Has he improved us? Yes

He creates most of our chances and will get better. He is big, strong, powerful, very good on the ball. His biggest flaw is he has no footballing brain. He really does need to sort that out IMO. His positional sense is shocking but under the right guidance I'm sure that will improve.
He actually tries to hard but I'm sure in the next 2-3 yrs he will be a top top player.
"Every clubs fans defends their players as much as they can..."

Without even a hint of irony

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