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£7.2M Rejected for Ince from Huddersfield..

...so what we saying? Should he be kept or sold? How much would people sell him for if they would like him sold? How much is too much to turn down for people who want him to stay?...

posted on 20/6/17

Griff, I've got a good feeling about Rowett and now Rush has gone and new bird memebers in we may see a different approach.

posted on 20/6/17

Board members

posted on 20/6/17

comment by GRIFF....fair price for football fans...not alot to ask for? (U3408)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Iwaslevel (U4836)
posted 24 minutes ago
comment by GRIFF....fair price for football fans...not alot to ask for? (U3408)
posted 3 hours, 21 minutes ago
Just out of interest Iwas. What's your issue with Ince?
Funny how some folk on here want Ince got because of his alleged bad attitude but are happy to see Shackell to stay at Derby. Hughes is a big time Charlie, do we get rid of him because of his attitude?
His attitude is irritating in the same way as Rolaldo's is. But I'd be willing to tolerate Rolando because he is a complete footballer, probably the best the world has ever seen. Attitude is where the similarities end, Ince stops the build up of our play. If we get rid and sign an unselfish player who will score half as many and create twice as many then we are quids in. Don't forget, when Ince sky's one then its one less that could lift a skriker out of the drought there in. It's a team and Ince don't get it and I don't get him.
He doesn't waste the ball as much as players like Butterfield, Russell or camara. I don't think we have anyone better for creating chances. Just my opinion. I've no time for Shackell because of his attitude to the club and fans, but again that's my opinion
I'm not hung up on attitudes Griff, if Shack defends well then great. If he parks in a disabled bay that's a totally different story.

Camera is \/\/ANK and we can't get money for him.

Dodgy agents can get some gullible rich T\/\/AT to cough up some decent dosh for Ince.

posted on 21/6/17

Iwas, you said you are not hung up on attitude but you cited that as an issue with Ince. Confused.com.
Shackell has a bad attitude and he's the 1 along with Zkeogh that causes issues in the dressing room.

posted on 21/6/17

comment by Iwaslevel (U4836)
posted 9 hours, 31 minutes ago
comment by ๐ŸAnglianRam๐ŸIt's gonna be great, folks! (U17428)
posted 1 hour, 57 minutes ago
comment by Iwaslevel (U4836)
posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Ince can feck off. £10m would be great, £7.5m is ample. I'd take £5m
You don't work in Financial Services then, Iwas ?
Crazy attitude
I'd trade £5m for £150m in the prem. Stick to turkeys.
So just who is this £5M superstar who will take us to the Land of Milk & Honey, Iwas ?
Do you have sunstroke, by any chance ?

posted on 21/6/17

How do you all know who has a bad attitude. Even if you have inside information it is likely to be the opinion of one person. Your source could have a bad attitude. In a group of indivuals it is unlikely that everyone will get on. I have never known it at any place I have worked.

As the infamous baseball coach Casey Stengel replied when asked about the secret of good management,

"The secret of successful managing is to keep the five guys who hate you away from the four guys who haven't made up their minds."

posted on 21/6/17

" In a group of indivuals it is unlikely that everyone will get on. I have never known it at any place I have worked. "


posted on 21/6/17

Well I can see why Iwas values Ince at £5m if Mel Mortis values Hughes at £8m

posted on 21/6/17

I wonder why Sam Rush was sacked the truth will come out

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