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Morning all, Chelsea fan here honestly in peace!

Saw the other day that Barca were being linked with your former player, and hen came across this on the skysports website


Honestly just wondering how do Spurs fans remember him? A bad player or just a mis-used one?

posted on 29/6/17

I liked him and thought that we did not get the best from him - not sure if that was bad coaching or that for some adapting to the Premier League takes time. I was sorry to see him go

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 29/6/17

He was the wrong player at the wrong time for us. Not a bad player there's something there although I'm not sure he's Barca standard tbh

posted on 29/6/17

He played well as an attacking mid, some great performances like vs Stoke, Chelsea and Utd. Yet on the whole he was the wrong player for the club who came at the wrong time and was played in the wrong position. Getting rid of him, especially for so much money was great for the club.

posted on 29/6/17

I didn't like him as a player at all.

He would infuriate me because he would pass it 10 yards and then follow the ball until he was stood next to the player he was passing to to ask for it back.

Repeat for 90 mins

posted on 29/6/17

This summed up his time at Spurs


posted on 29/6/17

Good footballer but couldn't adapt to the English game.

posted on 29/6/17

I was told we were signing the Brazilian Lampard.

He was more like the Brazilian Craig Hignett

comment by Analog (U17200)

posted on 29/6/17

One of the worst players I've seen in a Spurs shirt - he made Ryan Mason feel like a breath of fresh air

No range of pass, no creativity, no real workrate, nothing at all apart from having a half-decent knack of poaching goals

posted on 30/6/17


We were told we were getting a player with the passing of Huddlestone, the bite of Parker, the mobilty of Jenas and the goals of Rafa.

We got a player with the passing of Parker, the bite of Rafa, the mobility of Huddestone and the goals of Jenas

posted on 2/7/17

THAT shot at Burnley at the end of the 2014-15 season is what he will always be remembered for!

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