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Man City cant even sell out CL

Came across this on an alternative Spurs forum... but it deserves to be reposted on here.

"Tonight Manchester City play their first Champions League game.
The fans have been dreaming of this for years, the atmosphere, that music and chance to be playing in the "BIG TIME".
For this momentous occasion the club priced tickets at £25, Was there a mad rush?

The tickets are still on general sale. "

what do all you city fans have to say for yourself? your a bit of a joke to be honest. Cant wait for your money to dry up so that you can step aside and let the real big clubs (ourselves, everton, liverpool) have a go.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 19/10/11

ripleys dont let me raise your blood pressure my feline friend.

posted on 19/10/11

So Twente brought 6 fans. They brought a couple of thousand when we played them 3 years ago, maybe London is a lot further away from Enschede and they felt the CL was less important than the UEFA Cup.

Or maybe he's telling lies again.

posted on 19/10/11

I'm a cat - cat's just don't do raised blood pressure

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 19/10/11

on second thoughts it was 7. one of them was a kid so i should really count them.

posted on 19/10/11

I usually have a drink before the game, I suppose standing outside the away section counting incoming fans is a cheaper and more sensible option during the economic downturn.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 19/10/11

I usually have a drink before the game, I suppose standing outside the away section counting incoming fans is a cheaper and more sensible option during the economic downturn.


alcohol is dangerous to society get yourself some cannabis son

posted on 19/10/11

I usually have tea or coffee, I avoid drugs these days as I realise that they interfere with your thought process and can lead to paranoia coupled with delusions of grandeur.

posted on 19/10/11

Actually, cannabis could be exactly what the Spurs fans on this message board need. Might chill them out a bit. Don't give them ecstasy though - they've an unsettling tendancy to fall in love with strangers as it is.

posted on 19/10/11

Going off this board, I'd say that most Spudlets are committed users of both Acid and Ketamine.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 19/10/11

ripleys your my favourite stranger

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