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Browse: Football  Championship  QPR 
Article Rating 3 Stars

Only two games left now.

Ome to Brum who ave escaped relegation by the skin of their teef. The other game is away to Leeds, nearly forty quid a ticket !! I fink it might be best to stay at ome for both games as a sort of protest. Stop giving the club your money. Get rid of Les ( I'm only interested in black faces ) and pave the way for us to bring in a alf decent manager that will opefully get us back into the Premier.

posted on 27/4/18

As we aven't given Birmingham both upper and lower tiers at the school end there will probably be some Brum fans mixed in with the ome crowd. I ope the decision doesn't result in trouble. I remember in the 1970's the long walk from New Street Station to the ground and back could be a bit of a nightmare. Trouble waiting on most street corners. Anyway back to the game and I think that what ever the result is it's virtually impossible for Birmingham to be relegated. Be nice to end the season on a winning note though.

posted on 27/4/18

Bit of pre match news is that Ned, The Chief or whatever you want to call im is off at the end of the season. Seems under Les we're going all the way back to ground zero before he starts to pull rabbits out of is at.

posted on 27/4/18

Currently watching the Fools against Sunderland. Would love the Wearsiders to stick in a second goal.

posted on 27/4/18

How's Steptoe?

posted on 27/4/18

He's still living under the White City flyover as far as I know.

posted on 29/4/18

A good end to our ome fixtures but to be onest unlike their fans Birmingham didn't turn up. Possibly the worst visiting side seen at Loftus Rd this season. The results on Saturday mean we can finish above Leeds if we win there next Sunday. I certainly wouldn't have put money on that at Christmas.

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