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Anyone else bemused by the sudden rsekissing by some Leeds fans of Milner?
A decent enough player and apparently having a good season for the bindippers, but I've read countless articles on social media about this Leeds 'legend' and begging for his return.

Not his fault that we imploded financially and apparently he was upset at being sold against his will to Newcastle, but he's hardly a Bremner or a Giles.

Judging by his demented celebration on the touchline when the bindippers scored against us at Anfield in the League Cup, he's moved on and so should we in my opinion.

I'd like to think we have moved on from being a rest home for past it players and there would be little more than sentiment in having Milner back here when his legs have gone. I hope we are aiming higher and let him see out his time at Guiseley or Harrogate Town.

posted on 4/5/18

Why shouldn't anyone want a player that is better than what you already have?..

Milner is a good player but his wages are also good, so unless we get in the Premier he'll not be coming our way, and when we do get there there'll be younger players coming in!..

comment by RobLUFC (U5692)

posted on 4/5/18

Incredible that some people bracket him in the 'rest home' category type of player.He is a cut above that and would improve us immensely in all sorts of ways. It's academic anyway as we couldn't get him even if we wanted to.

posted on 4/5/18

Doing brilliantly elsewhere at a higher level. Anyone who wouldn't currently take him

posted on 4/5/18

Careful Rob & Lubo, author is gonna delete your posts!

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 4/5/18

Great player, great passing ability, works hard, sets up goals and is versatile enough to play in numerous postions.

I know what you mean, why would we possibly want a player like that in our team...

posted on 4/5/18

Comment Deleted by Article Creator

posted on 4/5/18

Tremendous player and career - shame we saw only a tiny bit in a Leeds shirt

posted on 5/5/18

Great player, full stop.

posted on 5/5/18

Why have you deleted a comment that disagreed with your statement, OP? Upset that nobody else has agreed with the point you were trying to make?

posted on 6/5/18

comment by Lubo - Feed The Sogg and He Will Score (U14008)
posted 5 hours, 5 minutes ago
Why have you deleted a comment that disagreed with your statement, OP? Upset that nobody else has agreed with the point you were trying to make?

"a" comment?! - try five

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