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Night of Champions Results (spoilers!!!)

hey guys talk about what you though about the ppv here. If you havnt seen it yet and don't want it ruined then don't bother clicking here ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

ok it's your own fault now if you carry on reading!!!!

Overall i thought it was a good PPV but for me was let down at the very obvious ending. But punks diving elbow was INCREDIBLE!!!in the words of lawler "it was SAVAGE!!!"

posted on 20/9/11

hell in a cell in 2 weeks...Cena vs ADR in the cell?


Spoiler below...

Cena vs ADR vs CM Punk (triple threat Hell in a Cell) - confirmed

posted on 20/9/11

I am disappointed that yet again HHH couldn't put a younger star over, if he's not a full time wrestler then he should be thinking about the future and not feeding his overly sized ego.

No doubt RAW this week will start and/or finish with the COO on the mic

Beth Phoenix looked almost overwhelmed by the reaction she got, in a way I am glad it wasn't the predictable home girl winning her fight outcome, but in the real AND WWE universe, how does a minimal talent with an ever decreasing frame, like KK, beat a bigger and far more talented woman like Beth?

Cena winning agaizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

posted on 20/9/11

It was terrible. No surprise to see Cena and HHH win AGAIN

posted on 20/9/11

I am glad though that randal borton lost. Mark Henry new WHC!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on 20/9/11

Beth Phoenix looked almost overwhelmed by the reaction she got, in a way I am glad it wasn't the predictable home girl winning her fight outcome, but in the real AND WWE universe, how does a minimal talent with an ever decreasing frame, like KK, beat a bigger and far more talented woman like Beth?

Cena winning agaizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


You complain that KK winning would never happen due to her size but your not happy because Cena won when he is quite obviously stronger and would quite obviously destroy ADR in a 'real' fight. I meen he near enough lifted the guy up with one arm at one point!

Sorry I just don't understand your logic.

posted on 20/9/11

Not a bad PPV but a bit of a crazy ending.

posted on 20/9/11

I reckon Del Rio could take Cena. Del Rio has the MMA background, Cena is just a powerlifter.

Jericho & Goldberg going at it showed that size doesnt matter

posted on 20/9/11

comment by chrismith-ynwa (U9595) posted 4 hours, 35 minutes ago

Beth Phoenix looked almost overwhelmed by the reaction she got, in a way I am glad it wasn't the predictable home girl winning her fight outcome, but in the real AND WWE universe, how does a minimal talent with an ever decreasing frame, like KK, beat a bigger and far more talented woman like Beth?

Cena winning agaizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


You complain that KK winning would never happen due to her size but your not happy because Cena won when he is quite obviously stronger and would quite obviously destroy ADR in a 'real' fight. I meen he near enough lifted the guy up with one arm at one point!

Sorry I just don't understand your logic.

If you only read part of what I said, you're not going to understand anything. Which part of "MINIMAL TALENT" and "bigger and FAR MORE TALENTED woman like Beth, don't you understand?

So you're comparing KK to a second gen wrestler like ADR, who physically is far nearer to Cena than KK is to Beth Phoenix.

I'm NEVER happy when Cena wins, the character is a joke, they might as well paint as S on his chest and have him wear a cape ffs, displays minimal talent, and can't sell an opponents offence to save his life.

I agree with P-G, del Rio could give a muscle-bound moron like Cena a run for his money in a real fight any day.

posted on 21/9/11

And of course, Del Rio has the immensely dangerous Ricardo Rodriguez by his side...

posted on 21/9/11

I marked the **** out when Ricardo returned a few months ago!!!

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