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What's everyone's thoughts on senior professionals goading the losers at the end of a game? Especially a big game.

Everyone think that's okay or not? Does it lack class?

Keen to hear everyone's views.

posted on 5/12/18

First O.F game of the 97/98 season, Gough scored and ran up the park doing a 'Ten in a row' gesture with his fingers. Gutted. Then Stubbs scored in the 91st minute and the rest is history.

posted on 5/12/18

comment by IvanGolacIsMagic (U5291)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 1 minute ago
In all honest it depends a lot on the situation, I for one thought Brown was more than justified doing it to the sheep fans who had been giving him pelters when he did his wee daft dance after 3 Aberdeen players couldn't foul him sufficiently despite one even just booting the baw aff his heid

I agree, but then you have folk who would celebrate Brown doing that but chastise Logan (for example) for doing the same thing

We're all hypocrites.

"aww mah shay"

mate, he's been outed as a bawsack . u were wrong about him.

posted on 5/12/18

comment by *Zico* (U21900)
posted 13 seconds ago
First O.F game of the 97/98 season, Gough scored and ran up the park doing a 'Ten in a row' gesture with his fingers. Gutted. Then Stubbs scored in the 91st minute and the rest is history.
No it wasn’t. Rangers fans will tell you he was ‘raising the roof’, and we got beat 1-0 in that game.

You’re thinking about the rearranged game when Stubbs equalised.

posted on 5/12/18

There's definitely a line between giving some back and outright goading.

Players themselves know when they're sticking up two fingers as opposed to rubbing someone's face in it. As do the authorities and their referees who try and live by some rule book they struggle to either adhere to or try and interpret on a game by game and player by player basis.

Such is the fun of subjectivity.

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 5/12/18

I guess it depends if it's in retaliation to any chants, abuse etc.

Adebayor suffered some horrific abuse and chants aimed at him for about an hour, he then ran to from one end of the pitch, didn't say a word but slid on the pitch and put his arms in the air.

Arsenal fans then proceed to act like they've just been told there's a bomb under all of their seats and try to get onto the pitch.

Not all players and managers are blameless but the root cause of this issue is the fans behaviour.

posted on 5/12/18

comment by *Zico* (U21900)
posted 6 minutes ago
First O.F game of the 97/98 season, Gough scored and ran up the park doing a 'Ten in a row' gesture with his fingers. Gutted. Then Stubbs scored in the 91st minute and the rest is history.
Rangers won the Gough one. Think Stubbs was a Negri goal

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 5/12/18

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posted on 5/12/18

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posted on 5/12/18

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posted on 5/12/18

Some belters from the past must be high on The Goading Charts.

🎼We hate Colin Stein, he’s a p..f🎼

🎼The hills are alive with the sound of “Gemmel’s a bustard!”

troo too

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