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Stone Cold - "I Love CM Punk"

Steve Austin spoke to Power Slam to promote his latest movie, Tactical Force. The discussion turns to present- day WWE and he is asked to name which wrestlers he believes can evolve into
"money-drawing players" for the sports-entertainment organization. CM Punk heads the top of the list.

"Well, I love CM Punk. That guy is already a star, and he's just breathed a much-needed breath of fresh air into the wrestling business," Austin said. "He's been working for over ten years. I'm a big fan of his—love his skills, love his promos."


Stone Cold is pretty much saying what all of us already knew, but it's great to see such a famous wrestling figure speak so highly of CM Punk, he deserves this praise, lets hope the WWE writers realise what a great talent they've in Punk and stop making the show all about Superman Cena, they should create new storylines involving Punk, he's got the mike skills and excellent promos, making CM Punk the main guy on RAW will go a long way towards upping the crumbling WWE ratings, here's to CHANGE in the WWE...

posted on 25/9/11

It's nice to hear it from someone like Stone Cold. It kind of reaffirms what everyone kind of knows but doesn't really want to say. CM is one of the most talented people in the business, but yet no one really knows if he'll be THAT global superstar as is with John Cena at the moment. He's the guy that everyone wants to like because he is literally breaking the 'fourth wall'. He talks to the intelligent wrestling fans in a very unique dialogue of his own.

I'm not quite sure any of this is making sense. But anyway, CM Punk is pure gold.

posted on 25/9/11

It's ok DD, we're inteligent wrestling fans, so we understood YOUR very unique dialogue

posted on 26/9/11

Why thank you Wayne.

comment by blav23 (U3068)

posted on 5/10/11

indeed CM punk is quality stuff . wrestling and promos aabsoulute genius, but cause of john boring cena that will hinder him a bit.

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