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DPL v Shrewsbury Town

It’s bottom versus middle of the Form Table tomorrow and for Rovers fans it will probably establish a suitably sombre mood for the royal funeral. Should Curtis Main score in a defeat, our misery will be absolute.

Shrewsbury were spectacularly revived by Steve Cotterill and we will remember their win at the Keepmoat as depriving us of top spot and the precursor of our decline. His team were not unworthy winners and might be seen to have made the initial breach in the team’s fragile confidence.

We must be heading towards some sort of record of failure, perhaps a bit like the second-last season in the Championship when we were one place above the bottom three and were on a very long run of losses.

It is painful to say that we will lose, so I will moderate my sentiment and recall our history with Shrewsbury who have had more than their equal share of luck in previous encounters and hope that there may be some evening up. Our fate is not hanging precariously this time as it has when we have lost unluckily in the past, but perhaps tomorrow, to cheer us up, somehow, we might win 2-1 and Anderson to score.

posted on 16/4/21

Yes its not the first time we've had a spectacularly bad run after a good one. Its just hard to fathom out exactly why. Yes there have been some changed circumstances but not a whole scale change of players. Is it the loan system?, is it our playing system?, are our players worse than the rest in League 1? Is it unease with contract renewals? It does seem to revolve around a lack of talent in midfield and the woeful lack of a regular goal scorer. Also there doesn't appear to be anybody able to play a sound defending midfield role, neither is there anybody to provide the cutting edge link to attack. Sims and Taylor in their prime provided good service and Taylor goal scoring potential too. Halliday and James can be reasonable attacking full backs but seem to have lost their way a little. Whilst Ive always favoured a 4-4-2 system Im not sure AB has the quality or style of players at the moment to make it effective.. The other thing that stands out for me is our players seam to have lower fitness levels than the opposition, why? Theyre schedule is no worse than any other League 1 club. So I cant see the tide turning. 2-0 to the Shrews.

posted on 17/4/21

It seems Arsenal do not want us to play John-Jules more than 30 minutes, so I assume AB will bring him on in the second half - unless he wants to play him to provide a "killer" start! I think he will take the second half option.
Form says we will lose, but I'll be optimistic and also say we will squeeze a 2-1 win. Richards to score if he starts, Sims if he doesn't. If neither starts, Anderson.
J-J for the second.

posted on 17/4/21

I am coming to the view that the form which took us to the top was based around the exceptional talent of the loanees working under a boss that inspired them. Their football seemed the best we had seen since SOD’s era. Just as it delighted us, more importantly, it brought the very best in the contract players.

Confidence can be fragile and if Moore did indeed have overtures from Wednesday much earlier than was officially known, it may have taken his focus from his leadership and communicated itself to the players and in those young minds the distraction of their guru could affect their performances. Although older, Sims must also have fed off the confidence that Moore gave him and was exceptionally influential.

Butler’s stature in the game as an effective, no-frills lower league defender does not compare with the seemingly all-knowing avuncular figure that Moore was at his best. Butler is the ultimate down-to-earth honest dependable man who does not strike you as alive with enthusiasm, ideas and imagination. He has not coached even in the Championship, let alone played and managed the PL. I have worked for likeable bosses, but you do not always learn much from them.

posted on 17/4/21

I think you have a point, Donaldo. I think back to the aftermath of the Saunders departure. The board wanted to give opportunity to Rob Jones but he had the vastly experienced Brian Flynn alongside him and the ship was steadied. There was also much more experience in the team at that time and the mental strength that came with that experience and that can only have helped.
From what I have read, at this stage, AB seems to be a consultative manager, seeking the views of Copps and others. This approach can work but it seems not in this case, so far at least. Does he have the right blend of players with the right experience to meet him half way and help him? I also recall a statement from DM in January / February acknowledging that their were teething problems in integrating the new players into the group. Is this still an issue?

posted on 17/4/21

I see Butler has named himself in the starting lineup. I'm going to be stupudly optimistic and predict a 2-1 win. Oke with the first goal.

posted on 17/4/21

Shrews 2-0 Rovers

posted on 17/4/21

Great result. Fingers crossed that this is the start of better times ahead.

posted on 17/4/21

I love being wrong and a Rovers supporter. Bring on the play offs!

posted on 17/4/21

The team looked more confident and there were no really silly errors; that was Shrewsbury’s role and the first was advantage well taken of the unfortunate slip - but it was THEIR pitch The second too needed to be taken skilfully, but the Shrews brought it on themselves.

We might well have failed to take advantage of such gifts a few games ago, so (as they say) it was a professional performance.

Butler’s presence on the pitch was a success and he did everything you would expect of a competent defender. The result does not change his fitness for long-term management, but it obviously does him no harm. If we win the rest of our games we still need the teams from 3rd to 6th to lose a few and of course we play in-form Blackpool, but we are very much outsiders because 18 points are near impossible and the 2 games against Peterborough are a formidable barrier.

Having said that, quite irrespective of what we might do, Portsmouth look precarious.

posted on 18/4/21

Thanks for your comments Donaldo as I did not get up to watch the game - too early! However, we did watch Phil the Greek's funeral (those who used to read "Private Eye" will recognize that term of endearment), and loved the sombre, family, event. There is much about Prince Phillip's life of service that many people do not know. I have several tales about his love of fast cars and aircraft vs. the Queen's love of horses, some of them coming from my aviation background.
I've watched the extended highlights that, to be honest, does not show much. I always wonder who edits these as they show far more Shrewsbury possession that the stats would suggest.
I did see more energy and fight from the Rovers, and two well-taken goals, albeit from slips by their defence.
Let's see what happens on Tuesday.
We can all live in hope - but so long as we finish above Oxford, I can crow over my cousin!

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