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Should points be deducted?

I know people think it’s unfair to punish the players and fans of the clubs because it was the owners idea but we see clubs get point deductions for things like going into administration etc which also isn’t the players and fans fault. I don’t think a fine will do much to hurt the owners but perhaps if all 6 clubs went into next season starting with a 10 point deduction that might at least hurt them a bit. In the sense that it makes it harder for at least a few of them to get into the 2022/2023 CL.

If not a points deduction then perhaps a ban from the CL for a season or two (though that’s less a punishment for Arsenal and more a pat on the back for mediocrity).

Any other/better ideas for punishments? Fining all 6 clubs’ owners £1 million each is hardly going to be the ‘take that you scoundrels!’ punishment they deserve.

posted on 22/4/21

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 9 hours, 50 minutes ago
The trouble is, if you hurt the owners pockets, they'll be planning a more streamlines breakaway in the not to distant future.

The governing bodies need to rein in the owners of these clubs because they take the majority of income from the rest of the football pyramid.

posted on 22/4/21

Each of the 20 clubs in the Premier League is a shareholder in the league.

Each member club is entitled to one vote and all rule changes and major commercial contracts require the support of at least a two-thirds vote, or 14 clubs, to be agreed.

There are 14 clubs in the PL outside the ESL six which, on a united platform, should be tabling motions and subsequently forcing through changes in the rules around participation in the PL.

How about hard and fast rules about future attempts to sign up to non-FA/UEFA/FIFA-sanctioned ‘competitions’?

How about subjecting the revenues of the league’s wealthiest clubs to a super tax to be redistributed down the football pyramid?

How about guaranteeing club members the right to vote on matters such as changes in ownership and changes in financial structure?

How about banning the payment of dividends whilst clubs are posting losses or carrying debts larger than the club’s annual revenue?

posted on 22/4/21

Points deductions for an announcement

posted on 23/4/21

If the top 6 clubs get a hefty point deduction I do think it'd be impossible for the people responsible to show their faces at the grounds again. Just as the flames start to dim I'm not convinced that pouring petrol on the embers solves anything. The owners will laugh. They've just proved they care nothing about football just profit.

Hardly gonna deter them for trying again later down the line. There needs to be reform where fans have a say on how their clubs are run. Watering down an owners influence is the only way to control them.

posted on 23/4/21

Cannot give points deductions for something that never happened. Everyone going completely overboard will this punish them nonsense.

posted on 23/4/21

All six should absolutely start next season with a points deduction. If the PL are smart they would do this as it would make for possibly one of the best league seasons ever in terms of entertainment.

posted on 23/4/21

Every single premier league club if asked would of sign up for the super league. They weren’t, So it’s a chance for them and their fans to take the moral high ground. Knowing deep down they would of sign up themselves

posted on 23/4/21

The other PL clubs won't provide the same value of products of the supposedly "Big 6". That's a different rabbit hole all together IMO.

I really do think hefty fines and barring the "Big 6" upper management in decisions of PL matters will be appropriate.

The FA/regulatory body making the correct decision is the other issue. I don't think they will make the right call.

posted on 23/4/21

comment by Fred The Red (U22224)
posted 33 minutes ago
Every single premier league club if asked would of sign up for the super league. They weren’t, So it’s a chance for them and their fans to take the moral high ground. Knowing deep down they would of sign up themselves

posted on 23/4/21

comment by Boris 'Legacy’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 2 hours, 2 minutes ago
comment by Fred The Red (U22224)
posted 33 minutes ago
Every single premier league club if asked would of sign up for the super league. They weren’t, So it’s a chance for them and their fans to take the moral high ground. Knowing deep down they would of sign up themselves


Everything else is simply empty, faux rhetoric

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