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Article Rating 3 Stars

SKY pundits

I cannot believe that Sky pundits thought Nugent should have been awarded Leicester's "second" goal when he accidentally handling the ball into the net.

Yes, it was not deliberate, which is why Howard Webb did not book him, but how can anyone, especially ex-professionals, believe accidentally hand balling the ball into the net is legitimate?

Pity, the other four were legitimate.

posted on 2/10/11

I was at the game and level with Nugent when he handled - I saw immediately that it was handball - Unlike the Assistant Ref who took an age to put his flag up.

Just watched it again on the Football League show which confirmed my original view that it WAS correctly ruled out and I agree ex pro's should know better - I would have felt very aggrieved if a goal like that stood against us

posted on 2/10/11

Oh and TOWIU (bit like TOWIE) if you want this to appear on the Leicester board, you need to click Leicester City and not just Leicester - For some reason articles can be posted on the"Leicester" board which do not appear on the Leicester board

posted on 2/10/11

Thanks for clearing that up Danger. I watched the FLS and thought it inconclusive. From behind the goal it seemed to come off his chest but it certainly wasn't clear.

Nugest also spent the rest of the game berating the ref for the decision which made me think he hadn't handled. From where I sit though there was no way of telling.

posted on 2/10/11

Yeah I can see why you'd say that, on the FLS in the last replay they show, it did look like it came off his chest - But no mate, sadly he tripped as he went in for it and knocked it back down into his path with his left hand

comment by Scouse (U9675)

posted on 2/10/11

There is a good chance it wouldn't have gone in if it hadn't hit his hand.
Fair play to you guys though, it looked like men against boys. Theo Robinson was like a girl at times.

posted on 2/10/11

I thought it was hitting the back of the net without the handball anyway. I thought it was a poor decision at the time and still do. Good job we still went on to give the rams a good spanking, eh?

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