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Babies/Kids on Flights

As you may or may not know I've been away on some 'business' recently. Can't say any more for now though for obvious reasons.

To go away I had to catch some flights. On both of those flights I was sat pretty near parents with crying kids. Now I know everyone has the right to go on holiday but I can't help but feel it'd be better for everyone if all the kids were confined to one part of the aircraft. I can block the crying out pretty much but it's still pretty annoying. For really young babies I don't think flying is a particularly pleasant experience either.

Am I being a grumpy old man or are other people with me here?

Full disclosure. I don't have kids so my feelings are probably different to those that do have them.

posted on 18/6/23

comment by Baz tard (U19119)
posted 1 hour, 55 minutes ago
comment by it'sonlyagame (U6426)
posted 3 hours, 28 minutes ago
I'd rather sit close to a crying baby than a rotten farter or loudmouth adult.

The worst is the guy who gets on clearly sick as a dog, coughing, sneezing. That facker is guaranteed to be in the next seat. Asian travelers wearing masks have the right idea, did that way before covid too, fair play to them

I am majorly tolerant of everyone, so I do not bring attention to myself and the inevitable joint or two I may have on my person.

Weed = Tolerance to all.

posted on 18/6/23

I can stash said contraband, in moments of emergency, however.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 18/6/23

Best seat neighbor I had was flying back from Vegas n a marine sat next 2 me absolute drunk as heck. He hand me his credit card n ask me 2 order him a whiskey each time steward came by n one 4 me. He then immediately past out until we landed when I woked him up so he cud drink his 20 glasses of whiskey.

posted on 18/6/23

comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 5 hours, 59 minutes ago
I was dreading taking my kid on her first flight but she’s generally been great and been a quite a few now, we didn’t take her too early (largely because of Covid) and make sure she’s occupied with stuff to do. Tbh I don’t mind kids crying, what I find more annoying is kids who are behind you kicking the back of your seat and their parents doing nothing about it.
I’ve literally just this exact experience

Had a kid kick my seat my seat all the way on a 4 hour flight….then playing with toys and banging his tray attached to my seat

The parents told him off once then preceded to get blind drunk and didn’t say another word to him

It’s the parents I blame not the kid who doesn’t understand and was bored

If I had behaved like that my parents wouldn’t have had to ask me twice though

There should be separate sections for families on planes and they can all annoy one another

posted on 18/6/23

comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 55 minutes ago
comment by Baz tard (U19119)
posted 1 hour, 55 minutes ago
comment by it'sonlyagame (U6426)
posted 3 hours, 28 minutes ago
I'd rather sit close to a crying baby than a rotten farter or loudmouth adult.

The worst is the guy who gets on clearly sick as a dog, coughing, sneezing. That facker is guaranteed to be in the next seat. Asian travelers wearing masks have the right idea, did that way before covid too, fair play to them

I am majorly tolerant of everyone, so I do not bring attention to myself and the inevitable joint or two I may have on my person.

Weed = Tolerance to all.

Shin knows. Shin don’t need no plane, he’s already flying

posted on 18/6/23

comment by Baz tard (U19119)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 55 minutes ago
comment by Baz tard (U19119)
posted 1 hour, 55 minutes ago
comment by it'sonlyagame (U6426)
posted 3 hours, 28 minutes ago
I'd rather sit close to a crying baby than a rotten farter or loudmouth adult.

The worst is the guy who gets on clearly sick as a dog, coughing, sneezing. That facker is guaranteed to be in the next seat. Asian travelers wearing masks have the right idea, did that way before covid too, fair play to them

I am majorly tolerant of everyone, so I do not bring attention to myself and the inevitable joint or two I may have on my person.

Weed = Tolerance to all.

Shin knows. Shin don’t need no plane, he’s already flying

Haha it's the only way.

comment by (U9342)

posted on 19/6/23

Rather than a kid only section as is hinted at here there should be an adult only section.

You pay a bit more to go into it, then if you're really that bothered you can be further away from it all.

Best solution would be adult only flights (or family only), but then might struggle to fill them.

Or just suck it up. There are far bigger issues in the world.

posted on 19/6/23

comment by Baz tard (U19119)
posted 1 day, 3 hours ago
comment by it'sonlyagame (U6426)
posted 3 hours, 28 minutes ago
I'd rather sit close to a crying baby than a rotten farter or loudmouth adult.

The worst is the guy who gets on clearly sick as a dog, coughing, sneezing. That facker is guaranteed to be in the next seat. Asian travelers wearing masks have the right idea, did that way before covid too, fair play to them

This every time. On a flight from Dubai to India the lass behind me, no joke, had a bundle of tissues on her lap and was coughing, sneezing and spluttering for three hours, this was literally a month before covid hit, needless to say i got sick for the first three/four days in India and had to black market some strong drugs.

posted on 19/6/23

I’ll take proactive parents with young kids over sick people or drunks any day.

It’s the lazy parents who you want to avoid.

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