With my worry, concern and best wishes and so on to those who choose to go and visit a dangerous crash site in an incredibly dangerous vehicle, in a notoriously dangerous part of the ocean.
Five people and it's wall to wall headlines. Compare to https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-65952520 or https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/17/africa/uganda-school-attack-25-dead-intl-hnk/index.html or the ongoing deaths in Ukraine. Those are seemingly far less newsworthy and get far less coverage.
I just don't understand it, do peoples lives have a higher level of importance if they were so full of ennui they had to put themselves at risk to go and see some 100yo wreck?
Boring lives don't matter?
posted on 23/6/23
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 1 hour, 30 minutes ago
comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 18 hours, 7 minutes ago
BLM movement hasnt done a single thing. The organisation hasn't either but it did raise some money, then blow it on rubbish.
People have championed black equality since the English pushed for slavery to be abolished, long before BLM was even a term.
BLM doesn't supercede what happened before it just because it has a fancy name. They drew attention to black deaths. Most black people would rather continue to draw attention to black life's.
I know countless black people that think BLM, org or movement, is beyond stupid. It's mainly woke lefty white people preaching nonsense. You'd struggle to find any sensible high profile people supporting BLM nowadays yet countless ones slating it. Sure it's just a coincidence 🤔
English pushed for slavery to be abolished?
I feel sorry for your made up black wife, if she has to be married to a racist piece of crap like you
Slavery never sat well with the English
Don't let this stop you being a racist idiot and bringing the colour of someone's wife into the discussion for no reason whatsoever though
posted on 23/6/23
comment by TopForm (U15726)
posted 4 hours, 1 minute ago
Slavery never sat well with the English
Don't let this stop you being a racist idiot and bringing the colour of someone's wife into the discussion for no reason whatsoever though
Never is an impossibly long time.
Even in the 11th century, the Domesday Book recorded 10% of England's population as being slaves. There's much more going farther back in time, but if we're talking the colonial period, it had a long, long history of not just tolerance but promotion of slavery.
The export of slaves to America was a burgeoning trade for the English as early as the 1500s. England also attempted to deal with "the Gypsy problem" by transporting them as slaves to North America and the Caribbean. In addition, transportation as indentured labour was one of, if not the main way of adding to the labour force in the colonies. Most of the early Irish arrived that way. Most of those early colonists who held slaves in America were English. Even the Crown had investments in the slave trade.
Your comment, in short, is a complete load of historically revisionist, wishful thinking bollocks.
And just to set you straight on the other count, it was the user who U8366 responded to who brought his wife's ethnicity into the conversation.
posted on 23/6/23
Slavery never sat well with the English.
Not outright but they had no problem colonising and robbing the world blind of its wealth, knowledge and resources while basically enslaving native populations and putting them in concentration camps to provide free labour to help them empty the mines of all mineral wealth and farm the lands until barren.
posted on 23/6/23
comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 8 seconds ago
Slavery never sat well with the English.
Not outright but they had no problem colonising and robbing the world blind of its wealth, knowledge and resources while basically enslaving native populations and putting them in concentration camps to provide free labour to help them empty the mines of all mineral wealth and farm the lands until barren.
they? You mean we?
posted on 24/6/23
comment by (K̇ash) - Liverpool 7-0 Man U (U1108)
posted 2 days, 21 hours ago
Its the same in football. Players going to Saudi are greedy, dodgy Arabs, bad career moves etc etc
Messi going to MLS with all those sponsorship deals is being hailed a victory for white football.
what a nob
posted on 24/6/23
Lefties always turn tragedies into a pisssing contest.
posted on 25/6/23
comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 1 day, 16 hours ago
Slavery never sat well with the English.
Not outright but they had no problem colonising and robbing the world blind of its wealth, knowledge and resources while basically enslaving native populations and putting them in concentration camps to provide free labour to help them empty the mines of all mineral wealth and farm the lands until barren.
This recent trend for people to be concerned with things that happened at a time when people had a life expectancy of 35, lived in rural villages, and ate gruel is a bit ridiculous given that a mere 40 years ago I could get easily get my head bashed in easily for having the wrong colour skin.
I have the scars from the terraces to prove it.
So you'll pardon me if I don't consider football fans as the shining beacon of hope for anti-racism just because they've knowledged up on colonisation.
posted on 25/6/23
comment by it'sonlyagame (U6426)
posted 1 day, 16 hours ago
comment by TopForm (U15726)
posted 4 hours, 1 minute ago
Slavery never sat well with the English
Don't let this stop you being a racist idiot and bringing the colour of someone's wife into the discussion for no reason whatsoever though
Never is an impossibly long time.
Even in the 11th century, the Domesday Book recorded 10% of England's population as being slaves.
20% of people in this Country live in poverty. Does it sit well with the English?
Do you equate only what Governments, Monarchs, and the Wealthy do in any given period of English history to define 'English', or do you think there's a bigger picture to what that actually is?
posted on 25/6/23
Oh sorry it must of course be historical revisionist bollox to consider that the Wealthy that continually enslave others through various means aren't representative of an entire nation.
posted on 25/6/23
Moving back to the point which is how dumb the BLM movement is demanding reparations for things that happened centuries ago and people then concerning themselves with things that happened centuries ago as a badge of honour for how knowledgeable they are.
Why are there no direct financial reparations from football being a platform for racism in the 80s which has done untold psychological damage to people who are still alive?
An apology and some people taking a knee is supposed to be sufficient for a sport in which people get paid millions which was partially funded by racist thugs?