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Article Rating 4.43 Stars

KOP RESULTS for 2023-24

FINAL TABLE after SET 40 Subject to scrutiny

Thanks to all fans for taking part in this seasons KOP, the 8th year in its current format.
Foxella pips Admins1 to top the final set of the season..
Bats hangs on the win the final monthly game from Mr M


1 FOX.. 50 BATS 231 20 WOLF 2887
2 ADMIN 48 MR M 227 10 EMKR 2847
3 MR M 41 CINCI 220 10 MR M 2828
4 PAT B 41 PSD 215 10 PSD 2795
5 BATS 36 PAT B 208 10 KULU 2782
6 CINCI 35 FOX.. 202 5 MERRY 2779
7 MITCH 35 ADMIN 200 5 EARL 2753
8 WOLF 35 KULU 199 5 MIDSX 2713
9 LYMM 33 EMKR 198 5 MONT 2705
10 MONT 33 MITCH 194 3 BATS 2670
11 BANNO 32 OLHOS 194 3 CINCI 2659
12 OLHOS 32 EARL 193 0 SIR K 2655
13 HERE 30 MIDSX 185 0 MITCH 2649
14 OLD G 30 WOLF 183 0 FOX.. 2640
15 PSD 29 TECT 179 0 ADMIN 2588
16 CEF.. 28 MONT 177 0 LYMM 2575
17 MERRY 27 OLD G 172 0 HERE 2569
18 SIR K 27 HERE 169 0 PAVCK 2562
19 EARL 25 LYMM 167 0 TECT 2560
20 MIDSX 25 MERRY 164 0 OLHOS 2540
21 EMKR 24 PAVCK 164 0 BANNO 2579
22 PAVCK 22 PPLF 159 0 CEF.. 2516
23 KULU 21 CEF.. 153 0 PAT B 2457
24 GINOL 20 BANNO 148 0 PPLF 2449
25 PPLF 20 SIR K 138 0 GINOL 2175
26 TECT 20 GINOL 76 0 OLD G 2163

Wolfie takes the title KOP Champion of 2023/24 from emKriti by 40 points with Mr M, 19 pts further behind in 3rd place.
Foxella is top of the Season Predictions for Prem, Champ and the 2 Cups made last August to predict both TOP & BOTTOM of the 2 leagues and the r/u in FA Cup.

Full detailed PRIZE LIST will be posted laster today after a final scrutiny over the past year of KOP.

KOP EURO 2024. June 14 - July 14th
Admin are supporting this pred proposed game with up to £70 Amazon vouchers. Simple full entry details will be posted on Monday/Tuesday for those who may be going on holiday


Pos Last Miss Team Set Total Total Mnth Seas KOP
Now Pos. H2H Name Score Month Preds H2H Bon TOT
1 1 Wolfie 35 183 2682 93 112 2887
2 2 emKriti 24 198 2677 48 122 2847
3 3 MrMorrison 41 227 2632 64 132 2828
4 4 PSD 29 215 2606 51 138 2795
5 5 FF Kulu 21 199 2596 62 124 2782
6 6 FF Merry 27 164 2596 55 128 2779
7 7 Earl 25 193 2556 37 160 2753
8 8 F Middlesex 25 185 2611 50 52 2713
9 9 F Mont 33 177 2560 56 89 2705
10 10 F Bats 36 231 2492 40 138 2670
11 11 Cinciwolf 35 220 2556 39 64 2659
12 12 F Sir Ken 27 138 2546 34 75 2655
13 13 F Mitch 35 194 2499 36 114 2649
14 14 FFF Foxella 50 202 2443 21 176 2640
15 15 FF Admin 1 48 200 2449 51 88 2588
16 21 Bannoram 32 148 2516 51 12 2579
17 16 Lymmblue 33 167 2417 15 143 2575
18 17 F Hereford 30 169 2503 42 24 2569
19 18 FF Pavchicky 22 164 2426 24 112 2562
20 19 Tector 20 179 2377 15 168 2560
21 20 Olhos 32 194 2471 31 38 2540
22 22 CEF 28 153 2461 40 15 2516
23 23 F Pat B 41 208 2307 14 136 2457
24 24 F PPLF 20 159 2423 9 17 2449
25 25 FFF Ginolas 20 76 2085 0 90 2175
26 26 FFF Oldgoldilox 30 172 2031 8 124 2163

SEASON BONUS POINTS using current tables,.
.... WINNER ............ ................. STRKR
Prem 1.... MNC 16 ....... Champ 1... LEI 48
Prem 2.... ARS 26 ....... Champ 2... IPS 50
Prem 3.... LIV 15 ....... Champ 3.... LEE 14
Prem 4.... AST 30 ....... ................. ........ ..........
Prem 18... LUT 12 ...... Champ 22.. BIR 19
Prem 19... BUR 38 ...... Champ 23.. HUD 36
Prem 20... SHU 52 ...... Champ 24.. ROT 48
EFL WIN... LIV 52 ...... FAC SF MNC 12
EFL R/U... CHE 34 ...... FAC SF CHE 17
EFL SF.... FUL 25 ...... FAC SF MNU 60
EFL SF..... MID 25 ...... FAC SF COV 25

Next Fixtures:

Season Predictions for all fans:

KOP Rules:

posted on 27/5/24

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 28 seconds ago
Thanks Dave for all you do for us to have a little fun with this great comp.
My best finish I think 9th place
Record going back. A definite move in right direction.

9 32 27 28 11 38

On the podium next season ?

posted on 27/5/24

Just noticed that Wolfie's last 4 years KOP record is as follows staring with this years no 1 spot.

1st.... 2nd ....3rd.... 7th

posted on 27/5/24

comment by Penshawdave (U1894)
posted 6 minutes ago
Just noticed that Wolfie's last 4 years KOP record is as follows staring with this years no 1 spot.

1st.... 2nd ....3rd.... 7th
Think mine is 5th, 5th & now 3rd.

Again, many thanks for sorting this Dave - much appreciated.

Here's to 1st next season eh? Mr Mr

posted on 28/5/24

Well done Wolfie and thanks again Dave.

I'll have to be content with 3rd place in the battle of the triple FFFs.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 13/6/24

Could the winners check inbox/spam for Amazon gift card prizes. That should be it sorted.

Will sort charity next week or possibly wait until after euro comp.

posted on 13/6/24

Sorry Admin. Could you send mine again. Think it got deleted

posted on 13/6/24

comment by We Are The One And Only Wanderers (U3090)
posted 1 minute ago
Sorry Admin. Could you send mine again. Think it got deleted
Forget that. Just landed. Thanks to you guys, Dave and all the participants. Looking forward to the Euros comp

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 13/6/24

comment by We Are The One And Only Wanderers (U3090)
posted 2 hours, 51 minutes ago
comment by We Are The One And Only Wanderers (U3090)
posted 1 minute ago
Sorry Admin. Could you send mine again. Think it got deleted
Forget that. Just landed. Thanks to you guys, Dave and all the participants. Looking forward to the Euros comp
Will do it tomorrow AM

posted on 16/6/24

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 2 days, 8 hours ago
Could the winners check inbox/spam for Amazon gift card prizes. That should be it sorted.

Will sort charity next week or possibly wait until after euro comp.
Received mine Mr A - many thanks to both you and Mr P - here’s to a top 3 finish in the Euro predictions.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 16/6/24

comment by Mr Morrison (U22072)
posted 11 hours, 5 minutes ago
comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 2 days, 8 hours ago
Could the winners check inbox/spam for Amazon gift card prizes. That should be it sorted.

Will sort charity next week or possibly wait until after euro comp.
Received mine Mr A - many thanks to both you and Mr P - here’s to a top 3 finish in the Euro predictions.
Mr P deserves the credit for his excellent competition

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