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Results were kind to us

So, we’re still 3rd and a point nearer Ipswich. After Friday, I must admit I didn’t expect that.

DF and his coaches just have to find a solution to our profligacy in front of goal. If we can solve that problem, we’ve got a great chance of 2nd place, otherwise it’s the play-offs for us - which I think we’d win.

With home games now coming up against Swansea and Boro, we’ve got a great chance to chip away at Ipswich’s lead even further … and then a few weeks later they come to ER for Christmas. Surely a must-win 6-pointer against the Tractor Boys. We’ll see😁.

posted on 28/11/23

"Dennis -
posted 11 minutes ago

comment by LIW Rad a %#@% and so is Orta (U8453)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
Think it’s highly likely 49ners wanted these clauses.

Backfired on them
Sure you are reading like I am that Real Betis are going to stump up £10m for Roca, pretty much what we paid for him I think.

Hope this works out, money in January for Farke to spend if it wasn't there before."

Everton and Harrison, he's a player I'd have back!..

posted on 28/11/23

comment by LufcGermany (U6066)
posted 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
"Dennis -
posted 11 minutes ago

comment by LIW Rad a %#@% and so is Orta (U8453)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
Think it’s highly likely 49ners wanted these clauses.

Backfired on them
Sure you are reading like I am that Real Betis are going to stump up £10m for Roca, pretty much what we paid for him I think.

Hope this works out, money in January for Farke to spend if it wasn't there before."

Everton and Harrison, he's a player I'd have back!..
Isn't the deal that if we get promoted that the loanees come back with their tails between their legs, including Harrison, Sinistere, Wober et al begging the Elland Road faithful to forgive and forget.
Harrison is different to the others because he has put the hard yards in but is he Leeds, I doubt it. Anthony looks more so that Sinistere.
Of the loanees who will not come back but who look most improved and I would welcome back in a heartbeat is LLorente, he seems to have come on leaps and bounds at Roma but there's an obligation to buy there.

posted on 28/11/23

comment by Dennis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfCLt0kTd5E (U23086)
posted 0 seconds ago
comment by LufcGermany (U6066)
posted 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
"Dennis -
posted 11 minutes ago

comment by LIW Rad a %#@% and so is Orta (U8453)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
Think it’s highly likely 49ners wanted these clauses.

Backfired on them
Sure you are reading like I am that Real Betis are going to stump up £10m for Roca, pretty much what we paid for him I think.

Hope this works out, money in January for Farke to spend if it wasn't there before."

Everton and Harrison, he's a player I'd have back!..
Isn't the deal that if we get promoted that the loanees come back with their tails between their legs, including Harrison, Sinistere, Wober et al begging the Elland Road faithful to forgive and forget.
Harrison is different to the others because he has put the hard yards in but is he Leeds, I doubt it. Anthony looks more so that Sinistere.
Of the loanees who will not come back but who look most improved and I would welcome back in a heartbeat is LLorente, he seems to have come on leaps and bounds at Roma but there's an obligation to buy there.
than Sinistere

posted on 28/11/23

Not sure Llorente is suited to the prem, or was it our set up maybe? Just seemed very lightweight.

posted on 28/11/23

Don't see any point in taking any back into the first team other than Harrison and sinisterra. We're kind of top heavy but our defenders we lost are nothing to write home about. Where is woper or whatever his name is?

posted on 28/11/23

Wober is, I think, doing OK at mid-table Bundesliga outfit Borussia Monchengladbach (stupid name for a football team, hardly rolls off the tongue).
The one we are most likely to get stuck with is Aaronson who is struggling to get into a team that look like the are likely to be relegated.
Kristienson has an impact but mostly from the bench, albeit in a well placed Roma side.

posted on 28/11/23

comment by Dennis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfCLt0kTd5E (U23086)
posted 11 minutes ago
Wober is, I think, doing OK at mid-table Bundesliga outfit Borussia Monchengladbach (stupid name for a football team, hardly rolls off the tongue).
The one we are most likely to get stuck with is Aaronson who is struggling to get into a team that look like the are likely to be relegated.
Christ, I hope we don't get lumbered with Aaronson again - that bloke was such a lightweight. How is he making a living at top-flight football?

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 28/11/23

My view on it is that our best starting 11 all fit and ready to go beats last years starting 11 if the situation is the same for them.

So why bring in lesser players.

Get rid of all of them

posted on 28/11/23

comment by LIW Rad a %#@% and so is Orta (U8453)
posted 11 hours, 25 minutes ago
Think it’s highly likely 49ners wanted these clauses.

Backfired on them
Explain why you think that??
Previous commentators suggested Orta had to put them
clauses in to get them to sign. Not personally convinced that 49ers had that much influence on transfers in to ‘force’ the inclusion of such clauses??

posted on 29/11/23

comment by salonika73 (U4688)
posted 13 hours, 21 minutes ago
comment by LIW Rad a %#@% and so is Orta (U8453)
posted 11 hours, 25 minutes ago
Think it’s highly likely 49ners wanted these clauses.

Backfired on them
Explain why you think that??
Previous commentators suggested Orta had to put them
clauses in to get them to sign. Not personally convinced that 49ers had that much influence on transfers in to ‘force’ the inclusion of such clauses??
I think it's clear what happend:

We came up with a dynamic manager and invested in the likes of Raphinha and Rodrigo and to a certain extent that took the division by storm.
The following season the board were complacent, spent next to nothing assuming the same formula would work, patching up a few minor areas like left back, but when that failed to bare fruit, lopped off the one thing that could turn it around, the dynamism, the creativity and the one thing that drew the likes of Raphinha to the club, Bielsa. We just about survived the drop, touch and go.
So you can see why players (or their agents) might have insisted on the "Orta" Clause to sign.
Whether or not the '49ers had anything to do with it, we can but speculate because they don't talk to us.

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