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Article Rating 4.14 Stars

Could be time to go

I’ve never been ETH out but for me there has always been question marks over him even last season.

Goal difference only +12 in 54 PL games.

Style of football is non-existent.

Selections questionable.

Signings poor.

I’m not sure it will change much but I wouldn’t be heartbroken if he does go.

posted on 9/12/23

comment by RB&W - One man down, One nil up (U21434)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by RB&W - One man down, One nil up (U21434)
posted 22 minutes ago
This narrative that long time match going United fans are morons who know feck all about football compared to e fans who watch games on dodgy streams on a phone is getting boring now.

It doesn’t help when match going fans on here prove time and time again how clueless they are when it comes to football.
Well I know loads about football.

And I very rarely disagree with you.

posted on 9/12/23

comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 9 minutes ago
Stop acting the big one and stop doubling down.


Jesus effing wept. You are the most guilty for doubling down on here I have ever seen.

Now, I didn’t see the second half today but there were times in the first half where we played some good football. However we kept passing the ball to them at the wrong moments and it looks like it continued in the second half.

You were giving it me too VC a few weeks ago. You were one of them.

Today seen you make a comment saying 'if he gets sacked he can't complain'


You're a whopper mate. You don't even stand by your arguments. You do it for the thrill and to make yourself feel big.

Another one who is as transparent as glass.

You're the biggest idiot here by a country mile!

posted on 9/12/23

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 3 seconds ago
You were giving it me too VC a few weeks ago. You were one of them.


One of what?

Called me out for wanting ETH out a few weeks ago with that Vengeance poster. I'm a plastic apparently and all that stuff. Remember? Don't pretend you didn't either. The posts are all still there for everyone to see.

Today you seem to think he could be sacked and rightly so. You couldn't make it up.....but I suppose at least you are starting to see the light.

This constant arguing is pointless anyway. I didn't want to be proved right but I will be ultimately. He's made too many mistakes in the job and it's now costing him massively. His signing could have bought him more time but most of them are crap.

posted on 9/12/23

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by RB&W - One man down, One nil up (U21434)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by RB&W - One man down, One nil up (U21434)
posted 22 minutes ago
This narrative that long time match going United fans are morons who know feck all about football compared to e fans who watch games on dodgy streams on a phone is getting boring now.

It doesn’t help when match going fans on here prove time and time again how clueless they are when it comes to football.
Well I know loads about football.

And I very rarely disagree with you.

I know.

posted on 9/12/23

Called me out for wanting ETH out a few weeks ago with that Vengeance poster.


I doubt very much that is what I had issue with you for other that it being stupid to each ETH until we sort out Murtough and how his department is run.

I stand by that.

posted on 9/12/23

“Sack ETH”

posted on 9/12/23

Little tweaks like dropping the second midfielder deeper and ensuring there isn't a chasm of space between defence and midfield and midfield and attack would make a difference to how we defend when we lose the ball but we continue to play so openly.


Like I said, It is a choice. He sees a need to play this way, Its how he played with Ajax. The tweaks are easy and he rejects it viciously. From day 1. Who would you blame if not the manager?

posted on 9/12/23

I haven't argued otherwise that it's not a choice and that the blame doesn't lie with him.

My point in response to your first comment was that the formation isn't the problem, it's his use of tactics and players within it.

posted on 9/12/23

comment by BerbaKing11 (U6256)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Garnacho cheese (U5318)
posted 18 minutes ago
Don't care what anyone says, a manager like Emery would coach these players into a top-scoring team. ETH has the system wrong and too stubborn to change


I’m watching Villa and Arsenal now and I don’t really see which of our players would walk into this Villa team to be honest. Shaw maybe? One of the talented young players (Mainoo, Hojlund)?

We’ve struggled to score goals for the last couple of seasons and the squad is still packed full of players that we know aren’t good enough.
Here's a list of players who wouldn't make the starting 11 of any other top club.

Garnacho (altho this kid has potential) but would most likely be a sub at any other club right now, let's be honest.
Hoilund (would maybe make the bench if he's lucky)
Van de beek
Sancho (altho if his attitude wasn't so sh!te, I could see him be successful somewhere like city)

Honestly, not a single one of the above would start for any other genuine top side, and that is the sad truth.

What are people expecting with this club if a new manager was to come in. We are where we are because our players are not good enough. It's quite simple really.
A new manager won't suddenly make them world beaters.

It doesn't help that eths signing are garbage, and his tactics are garbage either.

posted on 9/12/23

Sancho (altho if his attitude wasn't so sh!te, I could see him be successful somewhere like city)

Not sure of that. I wonder if dortmunds system and personnel made him look a lot better than he was

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