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Article Rating 4 Stars

Foot the ball


Pee-o Hatate https://x.com/thebhoyspage/status/1791596642807730229

Bain, Johnston, Scales, Idah, CCV, Tomoki, Bernardo, Maeda, Forrest

Looks like they’re all getting a shot! Makes sense, but looks like the starting lineup for a friendly:

RANGERS: Butland, Tavernier, King, Davies, Fraser, Diomande, Raskin, Cantwell, McCausland, Dessers, Wright.

Subs: McCrorie, Ridvan, Silva, Jack, Sima, Dowell, Sterling, Yfeko, McKinnon.
Courtesy of Blue Heaven.

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 20 minutes ago
I think inviting Santa back was pretty funny tbh.

In a further ode to Christmas they left George square looking like the living room floor after all the presents have been opened.
Not sure George Square was involved at all.
Having said that, time to drop all this childish nonsense. They should go home or to their slophouses and celebrate with friends and family.

Go on home….

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 20 minutes ago
I think inviting Santa back was pretty funny tbh.

In a further ode to Christmas they left George square looking like the living room floor after all the presents have been opened.
Not sure George Square was involved at all.
Having said that, time to drop all this childish nonsense. They should go home or to their slophouses and celebrate with friends and family.

Listen to Magnum here singing about the famine being over

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

I have never been to Trongate after winning the title but I know the first time it happened it was spontaneous and was apparently great fun.

Last year CS Jnr 1 went with his mates and said it was boring. He didn't go this year as he felt it was too forced.

The problem with it being expected is people plan for it, so they pile drink into their bags ready for it, the dafties of the day who would normally just stay at home also plan it into their day. Planned vast amounts of drink, summer heat and a lot of people will always result in dafties being dafties.

Get rid of it for next time.

I know that Rangers fans were planning a George Sq revisit again. Sadly for them it didn't happen and the statues went unguarded for another year

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

I don't understand why GCC don't set something up in Glasgow Green. Stalls. Music. Toilets. Bins. Charge a little something for entry. You'd make a fortune.

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by PointyBirds (U21890)
posted less than a minute ago
I don't understand why GCC don't set something up in Glasgow Green. Stalls. Music. Toilets. Bins. Charge a little something for entry. You'd make a fortune.

You might find that will happen in future now it has become something of the norm

I'll be avoiding it

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Call Sign (U3627)
posted 25 seconds ago
comment by PointyBirds (U21890)
posted less than a minute ago
I don't understand why GCC don't set something up in Glasgow Green. Stalls. Music. Toilets. Bins. Charge a little something for entry. You'd make a fortune.

You might find that will happen in future now it has become something of the norm

I'll be avoiding it
I don't see that they have much choice, really. It's organised chaos or just chaos. But it is going to be one or the other.

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Oh, and if it were rugby, this would 100% have happened already.

Might be a nice change for rugby fans to be in a public park during daylight hours actually.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

My guess is that more people go that were never at the match than those that were i.e. hangers on, part-time neds and slappers looking for madness. They won't pay £2 to get in the green but they'll splash £50 on gear and bevvy.

If it was just the £2 there might be a chance but you just know that GCC would have a money making exercise in mind charging £10 for a pint or cardboard burger and it would be doomed to fail because of greed.

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Slappers looking for madness is the reason everyone else goes surely.

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
Slappers looking for madness is the reason everyone else goes surely.

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