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Good Luck to Poch!

This ownership are fckn spark out

I think we can say good bye to Conner Gallagher

comment by fishlos (U7963)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

It looks like it's his decision 😩.

comment by fishlos (U7963)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 11 minutes ago
Welcome to utd poch

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

How many years until Clearlake can sell the club - if one still exists by that time. They are destroying us brick by brick, player by player and now, manager by manager. Let's see which "young, dynamic manager" they choose for his short stint.

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

They can sell whenever they like but I suspect there will be simillar clauses that must be agreed to if they do, but I dint expect them too.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Plans for a new Stamford Bridge lodged with the council.

Unfortunately, not a stadium but a few tower blocks!

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Another 6 games to the season and you'd have finished 4th.

Jose to return?

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

I wish MP all the best, thought he deserved the chance to at least start next season , expectations would have obviously been higher and rightly so but seemingly issues about the way forward on both sides.

Maybe my expectations were on the low side but I would say realistic based on the absolute sh*t show of a mess that we were in at the end of last season.

Just wanted to see an absolute minimum of visible signs of significant progress both in performances and player development in what was basically a new team of many young, inexperienced players but, with potential.

Also wanted to see 11 players on the pitch that willing to give everything for the shirt.

Any European Qualification of Domestic Cup success a welcome bonus.

Actually enjoyed going to games this season in comparison with much of last.

The early part of the season was frustrating results wise (mainly through not converting chances) but overall performances were decent.

Injuries definitely had an impact throughout the season, however there were a handful of random games where performances were not good enough.

I think if I could choose a word to sum up the season it would be "Inconsistent" but thats what you get with a team of inexperienced young players with potential.

Finished the season extremely well with a decent record in 2024 in comparison to others.

As I said i've tried to give my full support to MP throughout the season, admittedly that support was stretched to the limit at one point, my concerns being his lack of ability to influence games through his game management and decision making when opportunities to influence games presented themselves.

In particular the way he set up for LC extra time period having had such momentum during the closing stages of normal time. Also the run of games against, Brentford, Burnley and Sheffield United where we dropped 6 points from highly advantageous positions in the game through (imo) not being pro active, the result given the league position at that time being another missed opportunity.

Said at that point that MP needed an incredibly strong finish to the season, which to be fair to him he did manage with the most consistent period of performance that we had probably seen over the entire season.

Have the owners made the right decision? only time will tell I guess.

Personally I just yearn for a period of stability amongst the chaos of the last few years.

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