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Dalot - player of the season

Diogo Dalot has been chosen by his team-mates as United's player of the season. He's obviously not our best player, obviously not our most important player, but I think he has probably been the most consistent performer this season. His attacking output has improved, with chance creation stats comparable with Shaw's levels in the seasons he's not injured, even if he doesn't have quite a sweet a cross. I think the other thing that has elevated him is that he's turned into quite an athlete, who can bring more intensity over 90 minutes than most of our squad.

I know there's a lot of dislike for him on this forum. Some of this, it seems to me, is a hangover from watching him underwhelm for several years while he matured as a player. He was one of the few players who emerged from the Rangnick season with some credit, and that was the point at which I started to see him as a player who might just have potential, rather than one we should replace ASAP. Of course when we reach the title-challenging stage we'll aspire to have a better right-back, but right now he's surely one of the lower priority players to replace.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

I like Dalot and (like a few of our players really) in a more cohesive team his qualities would stand out more and his deficiencies wouldn't be as obvious.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Id put Dalot in the top 3 United players this season.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by Shugs (U14253)
posted 1 hour, 16 minutes ago
comment by Robbb Pochettino (U22716)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Shugs (U14253)
posted 49 minutes ago
Can't warm to him at all

All the high 5s ... chest thumping... Does nothing for me, he's still unreliable defensively

Least worst sums it up

Not as bad as Richmond this year 😅

I'm ready to give up watching sport altogether ffs

And somehow you beat the Swans 😏

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

I quite like Dalot. He's gotten gradually more solid defensively without being a top defender, he's added a few goals to his game, he can play both sides and we see him taking up central positions and even making very dangerous underlaps through the middle of the pitch at times (such as the goal he scored against Brighton). He's improved at his back post quite a lot as well.

I think it's worth mentioning that he's had no consistency in terms of who he's been forming a defence with all season, and actually little consistency in who is playing ahead of him also. In a stronger and more consistent team he'd likely look better again, or at least not out of place!

If we had a couple of superior FB's to call upon, I can't think of many better backup RB's or LB's than Dalot.

He'll now go on to have a stinker on Saturday...

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Shows how sh-t we’ve been.

Seems like he cares which is rare these days but he’s bang average.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Well deserved to Dalot. He still needs to improve his game, but have been solid for most part this season. Hopefully he can build on this award, and establise himself as a top player

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Dalot often makes good quick movement into spaces when we win the ball in defenece and makes himself available to receive it further up the pitch better than some of the attcking players do/should do.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

I remember hearing somewhere that Ronaldo considers Dalot one of the players that have the right attitude and mentality.

The competition with AWB for the right back position should have pushed one or both on, but I'm still not convinced by either.

Let's see if next season he can continue his improvement, I'd agree there are higher priority positions to focus on in the next transfer window.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 4 hours, 12 minutes ago
Shows how sh-t we’ve been.

Seems like he cares which is rare these days but he’s bang average.


posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Being bang average in this squad makes you one of the better ones. And having the resposibility to actually care, makes you better. Like Dalot.

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