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Sir Keir Starmer !

I must say that I am starting to like this new Prime Minister, It's taken me sometime, but he seems to be growing into the job, unlike the wannabees over the past few years.
He seems to be selling himself as a strong leader in the USA at the moment, and he also seems to understand what is needed in GB to get it back on track, keep it up Keir ,we are watching.

posted 21 hours, 36 minutes ago

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 34 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Always Right! 🇬🇧 (U6562)
posted 17 minutes ago
Someone’s climbed down off the moral high ground!

So are you admitting I didn’t say my source was The Express?

I’ll post! If you explain why you went on about a RW tabloid owned by the son of ex KGB agent and then all of a sudden you started wetting yourself over The Express the two aren’t connected!
Who's claimed the moral high ground?

You're a homophobe and are transphobic, are you disputing this?

Keep deflecting you bottle job you're full of shiite.
Oh dear! Like I said about your big ego and playing you like a puppet!

I just have done! I knew you’d try and do a comparison!

In your eyes Im homo and transphobic, however people are also gonna see that you think its ok use people born because of incestuous abuse! How narrow minded and ‘disingenuous’ of you!

Again no answer to the son of a KGB and The Express!

Right now more comments from me for a short while, I’m gonna leave this here to show people the true you!

I’ve got a football match to attend.

See ya💙

posted 17 hours, 30 minutes ago

comment by RED666…Always Right! 🇬🇧 (U6562)
posted 3 hours, 58 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 34 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Always Right! 🇬🇧 (U6562)
posted 17 minutes ago
Someone’s climbed down off the moral high ground!

So are you admitting I didn’t say my source was The Express?

I’ll post! If you explain why you went on about a RW tabloid owned by the son of ex KGB agent and then all of a sudden you started wetting yourself over The Express the two aren’t connected!
Who's claimed the moral high ground?

You're a homophobe and are transphobic, are you disputing this?

Keep deflecting you bottle job you're full of shiite.
Oh dear! Like I said about your big ego and playing you like a puppet!

I just have done! I knew you’d try and do a comparison!

In your eyes Im homo and transphobic, however people are also gonna see that you think its ok use people born because of incestuous abuse! How narrow minded and ‘disingenuous’ of you!

Again no answer to the son of a KGB and The Express!

Right now more comments from me for a short while, I’m gonna leave this here to show people the true you!

I’ve got a football match to attend.

See ya💙
Just more bluster and noise. All the while you still have by posted the link to the shiite you claim.

'If you think the two are the same you're wrong my little bigoted cockney Tory. You also think I gave a shiite what 'people on here think'

No your words were homo and transphoboc idiot. Typical Tory cvnt, thinks his actions and words don't have consequences.

Now the other typical Tory cvnt trait, running away when you've exposed your bigotry and can't prove a thing you've said.

Run away little boy, run away to your damp shiite bedsit

posted 8 hours ago

Which plastic spent the evening arguing with me instead of watching the team he latched onto is playing

posted 6 hours, 45 minutes ago

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 58 minutes ago
Which plastic spent the evening arguing with me instead of watching the team he latched onto is playing
Making stuff up again! ‘spent the evening’ define ‘evening’ !

You really need to lay off the sangria lad, you’re must of been arguing with yourself all ‘evening’ and thinking it was me, I’ve either got to you big style or it shows your desperation on your part!

Oh! That was some rant last night!

‘Run away’ did you actually want me to comment whilst I was at football? What did you say about being ‘needy’? The hypocrisy

posted 6 hours, 21 minutes ago

Come on lads,1300 comments !
I think Admin should shut up this shop ....Please Admin.

posted 5 hours, 58 minutes ago

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 18 hours, 22 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 1 day ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 21 hours, 50 minutes ago
Dev .

You can't keep squeezing tax paying workers. We heard silly soundbites like 'well just give up Netflix' as solutions to in work poverty and increased food bank use by those working. The workforce is decreasing year on year yet the amount of pensioners is increasing. 1/3rd of 35-44 year olds are privately renting and csjt get on the housing ladder, whilst 37% of pensioners own homes worth more thsn £1m and 75% own their own homes instead of renting.

Whenever you hear workers pipe up about the cost of living, or increased impossibility to buy a home, it's met with daft sound bites like 'give up Netflix' and whatnot.

Irony of ironies being a worker privately renting from a pensioner (not unlikely or rare) paying off the pensioners mortgage, or second mortgage, whilst having to cough up for WFP via their taxes. Does that sound right to you?

Broadest shoulders mate. The wealthiest, the biggest Corps. Labour said this but haven't actioned it bar a 3% rise in windfall tax.

As said i am fine with the WFP dropped for some but their approach was quick easy and the biggest cash grab. Same for NI.
Broadest shoulders such as billionaires buying farmland to evade 50% of IHT? Or broadest shoulders such as corporations who go out of their way to avoid paying their fair share?

What happened to 'we're all in this together' that was bleated to excuse austerity?

Do the Dysons of this world really give a shiite about the state of hospitals and the NHS when he's got private healthcare? Does he give a shiite about crumbling schools and education standards when his kids went to private school?

Do they fack

These are exactly who I am talking about.and have said it multiple times. Not hitting every business with big tax hikes, not targeting family farms putting their futures in doubt...but the biggest, the wealthiest, the Radcliffs the amazons etc

My point all along which you willfully or stupidly ignore is that Labour policies have done has been largely indiscriminate in terms of impacting on people and businesses and the harm and impact is widespread with damaging consequences. They have not just hit the one who can afford it, they have hit almost everyone and every corner of the economy. We all expect some pain but this has not been distributed fairly whether you are talking about train drivers pay rises or taxation on all businesses, big or small, profitable or on the margins. The ones who it hits hardest are the ones who can afford it least.

It has been ruthless and come March when the OBR report a failure to meet borrowing targets, departments will suffer ruthless cuts to fill a Labour black hole.
Did austerity hit the broadest shoulders or the poorest in society?

Who did the corp tax cut to 19% benefit, business or workers?

Businesses, not just huge corps or the super rich, received public money during the pandemic, has this been forgotten?

Speaking of willfully or stupidly ignoring things. How do you propose we get 7m people off NHS waiting lists, build much needed housing, repair crumbling schools and public building affected by RAAC, get people off benefits and working again? You know, repair the absolute shiiteshow that was the last 14 years.

Funny how the Gilt market is affecting the US, Japan and countries all over the world. I suppose this is because of Reeves budget as well


Again... Labour are in power. I am commenting on their decisions following their pledges etc. I have my own views on austerity which is 10+ years ago and a outcome from global financial crisis which BTW happened on Labours watch and contributed to that situation the collation inherited.

I was critical if the depth of austerity and cuts at the time, it prioritised Tory ideology over fair governance and caused a lot of damage. Austerity was a necessary process at the time given the financial melt down and in terms of economic performance, unemployment etc it was far more disastrous than the current situation.

As for Corp tax, Tories were not the one saying the broadest shoulders would pay. They cut corp tax to 19% in 2017 and raised it in 2023. Its 19% for small businesses...so why has it remained unchanged for big business. It a tax on profits so it's far from indiscriminate, it hits the biggest and most profitable. Surely that would better target the broadest shoulders..

But j dont expect you to answer this. All you do is deflect. You have a very simple view that because I am not a Labour voter i support and endorse everything the Tories have done.....and instead of addressing the concerns I have raised you say " but but but the Tories' as if what they did means one cannot be critical of this Govts policies. You are so blinkered and indoctrinated that you will not address any issue without diverting to what the Tories did, and you seem incapable of objective assessment

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted 5 hours, 55 minutes ago

comment by H von H. (U16981)
posted 23 minutes ago
Come on lads,1300 comments !
I think Admin should shut up this shop ....Please Admin.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted 5 hours, 38 minutes ago

Austerity was a political choice, it wasn't a "necessary process" as Biden has shown post covid, borrow to invest in vital infrastructure and putting cash into the pockets of people who'll then spend it rather than hoard it in offshore accounts.
The US economy bill be the beneficiary.

posted 2 hours, 54 minutes ago

The trouble with Britain, is that the self serving, greedy, jealous ,hypocritical loony lefties, are tolerated by so many normally reasonable people, why on earth I can't comprehend !
Well, the country must just await the the next 3 years or so of absolute Socialist ignorance and hypocrisy, as is always the case AFTER a Labour government has been in powe, and then these same self serving supercilious cretins will still blame the Conservative party ! you couldn't make it up .....Just wait.

posted 1 hour, 5 minutes ago

comment by H von H. (U16981)
posted 1 hour, 48 minutes ago
The trouble with Britain, is that the self serving, greedy, jealous ,hypocritical loony lefties, are tolerated by so many normally reasonable people, why on earth I can't comprehend !
Well, the country must just await the the next 3 years or so of absolute Socialist ignorance and hypocrisy, as is always the case AFTER a Labour government has been in powe, and then these same self serving supercilious cretins will still blame the Conservative party ! you couldn't make it up .....Just wait.
couldn’t of put it better.

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