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England U-21 is now out of European championship after some poor results in the finals - Two draws when we should have done well against Spain and Ukraine.

Stuart Pearce's coaching is very poor indeed in these finals cos he picked wrong players. He should have picked Alex Chamberlain and Lallana cos they are both good enough for England but he didn't.

That may cost Perace his job and so does Fabio Capello if he doesn't do well in Euro 2012 - If England don't make it to Poland/Ukraine so sack him and Pearce as well!!!!

Should Pearce be sacked?

comment by Striker (U7002)

posted on 20/6/11

We still qualified. The previous two winners the Netherlands and Germany didn't.

We seem to think that sacking every England manager will all of a sudden make our mediocre players world class?

I do have some reservations about some of the selections though.

From what I have seen Conor Wickham is more talented than the two Danny's.

posted on 20/6/11

He should never be put in a postion to manage any side as he's shown conclusively before that he's simply not up to it.The FA really seem a very poor judge as far as management goes and the hoof it approach is out of the dark ages.There should be a committee set up with the FA,the sports minister and the England cricket board to find out how and why the England cricket team have gone from an embarrassment to probably the best test team in the world in a few short years and whether their is a formula,be it structural or coaching based,that can be copied as a template for the future of the national football team.
Capello and Pearce should be removed as soon as is practically possible and allow the desperately needed new broom to do it's work

posted on 20/6/11

You can't compare Cricket, which only about 8 countries have ever been any good at and ever will be any good at, with football.

We need to learn from Spain, Barcelona, Ajax etc, but not just blindly copy their models in the hope it will work for us.

What are we good at as football nation? Fast, aggressive, attacking football with a high tempo.

Instead of abandoning that and trying to play like Spain, we need to hone our strengths and make sure all England teams play exactly the same way from top to bottom.

That is not to say we don't need to work on technique, composure, ball retention, but we need to do it in an English style, not just try to mirror others, because that will fail.

Manchester United have been the most successful English team in the last 20 years, and they don't play Barcelona like possession football. They keep the ball, but they go forward with speed and directness, rather than probe and tiki-taka. They have always had English players in their team.

They had to amend their style a little for European football, by playing an extra man in midfield, but they still attack the same way in most games.

England need to start playing a variation of 4-5-1/4-3-3 at every level of our game. We don't need to change the way we attack, but we need improve our chances of retaining possession by having an extra man in midfield.

We also need to play players in their best positions wherever possible. England U21's looked far more cohesive with Muamba instead of Mancienne, not because Muamba is particularly outstanding, but because he is actually a midfield player.

Pearce has had his time in my opinion and should be moved on. He was tactically inept in this tournament and picked the wrong players at times.

The U21 manager should not be a big name, it should be someone proven with young players, akin to the reserve/academy managers at Premier League clubs.

Pearce has done nothing in his career to suggest he is particularly adept at managing young players.

posted on 20/6/11


we don't need a hoof merchant in charge of the future of the england side.

pearce and capello are both relics of the early 90s. football has moved on.

posted on 20/6/11

Why should England have beaten Ukraine, Czech Republic and Spain? Do England have a divine right to win these tournaments or something? England bowed out at their level and this is the level England are at.

posted on 21/6/11

Is not losing that is the issue, it's the abysmal performances.

As a country with millions of wannabe footballers, and massive investment in football, it's not unreasonable to expect our players to be able to string a few passes together.

We were in a tough group and our recent record in youth tournaments is good, but our performance was awful.

Even if we had stumbled through to final before inevitably losing to Spain, I would he saying the same thing.

posted on 22/6/11

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