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Predictions - end of 2012

1. Djokovic
2. Murray
3. Nadal
4. Federer
5. Tsonga
6. Del Potro
7. Berdich
8. Ferrer
9. Soderling
10. Tipsarevic

My reasoning is that Nadal may have a slow start to the season and may not reach more than 2 slam finals (RG and Wimb); Federer will be too inconsistent, brilliant in patches but not sustaining a lasting challenge over the course of the season, Murray will improve and may reach a couple of slam finals himself, especially after such a promising end to 2011 (including beating Nadal in Tokio, which will give him lot of confidence); and Djokovic will remain to be the most consistent of the top 4, probably winning another couple of slams and a few masters.

Of the rest, del Potro is on the way up and will eventually end up in the top 4 in the future (most likely at Fed's expense) and Tsonga will be a threat to anyone. Berdich will remain solid without winning too much and Ferrer will start slipping, inevitably, but might still be able to hold onto a place in the ATP finals at the end of the year.

Soderling will come back to top 10 once his injury problems are over and Tipso will have to work hard to remain there but I think he will succeed.

What are your predictions?

posted on 8/1/12

1.Djokovic 2 Federer 3 Murray 4 Nadal.
I am a Nadal fan but sadly I don't see Nadal doing well this season.Hopefully I am wrong and Nadal again becomes no.1 but I don't think that will happen.Murray will remain to be a nearly man.Federer will win 1 slam this year.Nadal will win 1 slam and Djokovic will win 2 slams this year.

posted on 8/1/12

Blade, I see the top 4 same as yourself but only maybe Delpo making number 5 given he is defending so few points

Given the good start to this yr and end of last one I really think Andy will win at least 1 slam this yr and i'm quite confident his maiden 1 will be at the Aussie

posted on 8/1/12

I'm not into predictions, but am almost certain the top two positions will not change.Unless Murray lets rip, which is nothing but theory at the moment, Djokovic and Nadal will be sharing the spoils.
People who underestimate Nadal buy into his injury palavers too much.
That guy is as fit as a fiddle and is waiting for a first sign of blood to pounce on Novak.
All this:I've lostmotivation blah-blah is just first class BS (sorry!)

posted on 8/1/12

perhaps novak could be the one to slide given the fact he has so many points to defend this yr

posted on 8/1/12

"perhaps novak could be the one to slide given the fact he has so many points to defend this yr"

everything is possible, some thing more than the others, of course...
Unless Nole gets injured, I really think he'll have no problem keeping his number one spot.
He doesn't need to defend everything, even 70% will do, and that's quite doable.
I think it will be just as difficult for Nadal to defend his points as it is for Nole.
A lot will depend on Murray, but that's in the realm of hypothetical until it happens.
Murray looks dangerous when in form, but in my opinion can't last long in a season, just not athletic enough like the other 2-3. I have a feeling he tires more than the rest.

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