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Article Rating 2.33 Stars

What did you expect Arsene?

You’ve had an underperforming team for years and than you sell its 2 best players and don’t replace them with any sort of quality? Instead, you buy on the cheap and hope for the best? It does not work like that.

You have been presiding over this painful decline of AFC for too long it’s time to go. Enough of this mediocrity. And when you do go, take half of the players with you, will you? You did not bring a good football player to this club in donkey years.

posted on 15/1/12

i've never seen you comment on this board when arsenal have won

posted on 15/1/12

Arsene don't ldisten to these people, don't buy.. imagine you would have to pay these new players.

posted on 15/1/12

i've never seen you comment on this board when arsenal have won


#True Story!

posted on 15/1/12

i've never seen you comment on this board when arsenal have won

Perhaps you have not been around for long enough on this board?

I presume you (the ever so positive arsenal fan) disagree with what I wrote? Where was I wrong? Are you happy with this situation? Do you approve of the way AW is nmanaging this club right now? Or for the last several years for that matter?

I'll take your critisism when you say something meaningful about the topic, otherwise you are not worth replying to, and I'm not even sure why I am doing it.

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