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We are hosting Yeovil tonight and Exeter on Saturday I think the west country can do us a great big favour starting tonight. I think the Dons have on paper an easier run in so lets all cheer the lads on and be the twelth man.

COYD all wins until the end of the season.

posted on 6/3/12

Oh and 2-1 to the Dons. Bowditch and Smith to score.

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 6/3/12

Furz, Ron mentioned two games so it would have been rude not to have provided 2 predictions.

If you look at the fixture list, at least half of the games against the top clubs have been mid week, its as if the FL Fixture list computer doesn't want MK Dons to make any money with the bigger crowds (you don't think you know who was the programmer do you )

posted on 6/3/12

oh merde (as I cannot say the english word, even with ** in it) - am sitting here thousands of miles away and watching this unfold on the bbc website - we are playing 10 men for half the game and cannot score - am going to have to switch off the internet - this really is depressing me

posted on 6/3/12

oh good I see Gleeson has been sent off again - what a great night I have missed

posted on 6/3/12

6 minutes extra time so far - what the hell has gone off?

posted on 6/3/12

Just couldn't put our chances away and get the shots on target. The players need shooting practice urgently and it was the case every wanted to be in the box, while we needed a few to hang back and make the runs at the right time. We just didn't look like scoring.

posted on 6/3/12

So much for kicking on, sounds like Yeovil parked the bus in front of the goal, and we did our usual, missed penalty, player sent off.
You cant lose to Yeovil at home if you want to go up, once again the lack of a goalscorer has cost us yet again.
Perhaps we should follow Sheff Weds and Huddersfields lead and get rid of Robinson

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 6/3/12

another bad result for you guys unfortunately.

posted on 6/3/12

We will have to concentrate on the play offs positions. I would prefer Udders to United, can you arrange it Tez?

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 6/3/12

at the moment its looking a distinct possibility

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