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Article Rating 2.6 Stars

Congratulations and best of luck...

... to whoever draw Chelsea in the next round.

The whole of Europe will be behind you

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 14/3/12

You trolling assclown

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 14/3/12

wait wait ..... i got a better one.

YOU PUNK!!!! (comedy drums sign off)

comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 14/3/12

At very least Europe exists for now!!!!

posted on 14/3/12

For the real truth on tonights performance take a look at "bad taste in London" on the United board. Sums up what was actually a sad night for any honest Chelsea fan.

comment by steryd (U12151)

posted on 14/3/12

The only 'bad taste' there might be out of this game is that there will still be bitter idiots like you arguing.

posted on 14/3/12

I was actually on the United board reading that article and came here to look for your post. Thanks


posted on 14/3/12

What a waste of typing you asshat, just to end up sounding like a bitter child. You are not even getting any support off your own forum so what kind of reaction to a crap article are you expecting here?.

posted on 14/3/12

The sad thing is this isn't a wind up. I genuinely do think it's bang out of order for players to behave like that. And if you have no Champions League football next season you know who to blame after tonights performance because they all showed just what quality they still have.

comment by steryd (U12151)

posted on 14/3/12

The sad thing is this isn't a wind up


I agree actually, having read it. It's not a wind-up, just a work of jealous mind, slowly descending into madness

posted on 15/3/12

There's always someone

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