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Article Rating 3.67 Stars

Darren Ferguson Hits out at MK Dons


Just like his Dad, and very very bitter.

"Meetings like the one I had with Sam on Wednesday can be turned into a positive because it makes you realise just how lucky you are to have worked with players like Craig Mackail-Smith and George Boyd amongst others"

-How bitter, that is only a snippet.

He's basically slagged off our club, our chairman and Sam and saying he's not the type of player he'd like to work with anyways with his 'unenthusiastic body language.'
Guess it just goes to show how poor a club Peterborough United Football Club actually are.
They can't leave a player alone after the club insists on not selling, the director claims he will get what he wants, and after the director doesnt, the manager cries at not getting his boy and rips into the club for the player choosing a more ambitious option.

Right move Sam, why would you want to be managed by a bitter sour grape man like Darren Ferguson, when you have a humble approachable bloke like Karl Robinson.

posted on 6/7/11

comment by Poshtohauntu (U6042)
posted 6 days, 16 hours ago

Keep taking the Tablets Furz, I'm off to check on our fixture list.


comment by Poshtohauntu (U6042)
posted 1 day, 20 hours ago

Must check our fixture list.


comment by Poshtohauntu (U6042)
posted 20 hours, 1 minute ago

Must check our fixture list..


comment by Poshtohauntu (U6042)
posted 17 hours, 51 minutes ago

Just going to check out our fixtures


Come on!...be a little more inventive than that!

Pot. kettle. black.

I know it is beyond you Pishtoshameyou, so don't go and strain yourself on a hopeless task...

posted on 6/7/11

That reminds me ...I must check our fixture list!...thanks Cowpat,.....

but that just illustrates my point about you,....

I really feel you should be put up for adoption, I feel that you are not getting the nurturing that your obvious lack of intelligence deserves,..Bless!,

comment by hazsa19 (U8480)

posted on 6/7/11

I know Franchise customers feel like they always have to have an opinion and mouth off on stuff, but really, you're just looking stupid here.

Peterborough beat you in the play-offs.

Peterborough have been promoted to the Championship twice in the last 3 years.

Peterborough have a pipeline to quality loan talent from Man Utd through a family connection.

Face it, you Franchise customers would kill to have had ANY of those things. And you think you can wind up Posh fans without them just being able to point to a scoreboard or a league table and laugh their heads off at you? Silly boys.

Plough, that's an awfully long-winded of saying absolutely nothing at all of any value whatsoever.

posted on 6/7/11

I found it quite profound, well thought out and it got to the point concisely,.

Full marks Bath,

comment by hazsa19 (U8480)

posted on 6/7/11

I'm amazed there was enough light to read while lodged so far up his as£

posted on 6/7/11

No doubt you are amazed that the sun rises each morning..

comment by hazsa19 (U8480)

posted on 6/7/11

I find the solar day more than amazing, fascinating even.

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 6/7/11

PTHU, actually it doesn't.

posted on 6/7/11

The Earth turns on its axis and ...............Pedantic.

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 6/7/11

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