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Article Rating 1.73 Stars

So please stop saying

"Decent" Spurs supporters and "Decent" Arsenal supporters and "Decent" Man City supporters etc etc etc. What happened at Spurs yesterday would have happened at any club in the land by all involved with the club. Supporters and club officials would have reacted the same way regardless of whatever club it was. There's no such thing as "Indecent" supporters just because they support a certain club. I've NEVER understood the mentality of those who slag supporters off because they're this team or that team,it's all total rubbish.
I've known ambulance drivers support football,does it make them indecent because they support a rival club? I'm proud of Spurs too so please EVERYBODY stop this 'DECENT' rubbish.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 18/3/12

dont you just love ripleys cat. best poster on ja606

posted on 18/3/12

I'm humbled. Thanks Chronic

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 18/3/12

i remember having some run ins with you in the past and you have each time put me away in the argument! which isnt easy to do !

posted on 18/3/12

Nah Chronic - I don't put people away in debates. I just argue my own corner, but it's only my opinion, my way of looking at things. If we disagree or have a different opinion, that doesn't mean I'm right and you're wrong (or vice versa). It just means that we have a different way of looking at things. And that's something that we should all encourage - after all, if we didn't then there'd never be a debate for us to get our teeth into. And let's be honest we all love having a debate. Even when it psses us off!!

Sometimes the hardest thing to do (especially online in this kind of environment) is accepting that everyone's opinion has value. I find that hard to admit, but in the cold light of day I have to realise that my own opinion is no more or less valid than anyone else's. Won't stop me expressing it though!

comment by (U6720)

posted on 18/3/12

i remember having some run ins with you in the past and you have each time put me away in the argument! which isnt easy to do
Au contraire ..................It's a doddle!!!.............as you'll shortly discover!

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 18/3/12


nemesis ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

comment by (U6720)

posted on 18/3/12

nemesis ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Reading your " I need to be accepted posts again” ?

posted on 18/3/12


Or otherwise just interpreted as "I couldn't care less"

At least, that's how I viewed it.

(Your next post I suspect will be equally as predictable...)

comment by (U6720)

posted on 18/3/12

Ahhhh bless Ripleys got all defensive of his lil friend.

posted on 18/3/12

Ripley's cat - excellent points, well-made, all the way through

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