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These 6 comments are related to an article called:

Gatland Set for Lions Job

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comment by gecko (U8371)

posted on 31/3/12

I think he will take the job.

I'm a bit iffy on him missing the 6N. I didn't mind leaving McBryde and co as caretakers for the tour to USA (was it?) in 2009 but for the core international competition of the Northern Hemisphere... Saying that, I suppose Gatland's not going to be our coach forever, and this is giving more exposure to McBryde and Howley.

posted on 31/3/12

Agree with you 100% gecko.

posted on 2/4/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 2/4/12

Bodes well for him to be fair. On current form you would have to say that we have got a hell of lot of choice, and he should have no problem in picking a really good team. Hell even the mid week team is going to be a good team suck is the quality knocking around. Also its a tour to OZ, so certainly it will not be facing an unbeatable team! It would be nice to have a successful Lions tour for a change! Even tho the last one was a morale victory...

From a personal POV i don't want him, i don't like the man, but i can't take it away from him either! he has most defiantly earned it! SO best of luck to him. And he will have my support. Tho i have to say i can see the arguments even now, when he names his first side. Still saying that, he has proved to be a brilliant selector, so like i say he will have my support.

posted on 2/4/12

SARS on McGeechan,

He said it a few months back that he would consider the Lions role.

But really! its not his personal bloody team and tho he is a very very nice man, as far as im concerned hes not up to the job.

posted on 5/4/12

Gatland is the only man other than Geech to lead the lions. He has that experience of coaching the and playing against the lions and I would expect him to keep the same coaching team from the last series including perhaps geech as a coach. gatland will get them fired up....

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