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These 8 comments are related to an article called:

Zelda- Wind Waker Underrated?

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posted on 3/4/12

I don't often agree with Arsenal fans, But when i do it's generally over non footballing Matters

posted on 5/4/12

posted on 5/4/12

top game zelda a link to the past on the snes my favourite though

posted on 5/4/12

Is there a bad Zelda tbf?

i think not

posted on 5/4/12

It's a good game but that triforce quest becomes a bit tedious and boring. I prefer Twilight Princess, that along with Ocarina of time is my favourite. Majoras Mask is also a great game, heck all of them are awesome.

posted on 7/4/12

Let's hope Nintendo pull out their finger, and start churning out the magic, like we know they can.

posted on 9/4/12

Yes, very underrated, but some people can't seem to get past the graphics and the story, I thought it was a good game

posted on 10/4/12

The triforce quest is a bit tedious but not as bad as the fishing part on Twilight Princess (That part where you had to catch the fish for the cat of the shops owner) that really really got me mad

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