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These 106 comments are related to an article called:

Martin Samuel on Harry's Sacking

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posted on 14/6/12

The Daily Mail a good read?

The media-bashing of Spurs begins

posted on 14/6/12

I didnt read it all but i get the jist, and agree with it.

Its just ridiculous that a manager comes in, achieves the club's highest ever position TWICE in 3 years, and then gets sacked for finishing 1pt...YES, ONE POINT from realistically the best place a club like Spurs are likley to currently achieve.

Its absolute madness.

posted on 14/6/12

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posted on 14/6/12


I'm assuming from your comments you're singing from the same hymn sheet as me, and agree this decision is a mistake?

posted on 14/6/12

I have absolutely no time for either the Daily Mail or Martin Samuel, so I have not read the article - but it gives a lie to the saying that nothing succeeds like success.

Best football played in the Premier League? Not good enough for some people.

These grown-ups always know best, don't they?

Sorry about the false start, still reeling.


posted on 14/6/12

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posted on 14/6/12

LOL..........Daily Mail not a good read but Samuel is a top draw sports journo IMO.

Does not mean he is right what he writes but he usually puts forward a good argument for his side of the debate

shame he writes for "The Fail"

posted on 14/6/12

I'm with you too and can't help but feel it's a mistake - sometimes managers and chairmen don't see eye to eye but they manage to work together.
You read what all the other fans say and they are rubbing their hands with glee at our possible demise.
BUT, and it's a big BUT (not big butt) we have to pray that we still have the players and squad - with a few additions - that a new manager can get the same out of.
I think Samuel has been totally biased towards Harry and was saying months ago that Harry should leave us for the England job - now he's saying Spurs are fools to let him go....

posted on 14/6/12

i notice that now he's gone, all the fans are saying what a travesty it is that he's been sacked. Well i've been saying that for months. In the face of all these harry haters who believed we are where we are in spite of him not because of him. Well i don't want them to hide under the woodwork. I want them to come out and say they wanted rid because they played their part in his departure, there's no question of it. When it all goes wrong (not if) i hope they show their faces although i'm guessing they won't. Finally i feel vindicated in my opinion. Every expert is absolutely flabbergasted with this decision and so they should be. It's one of the worst decisions in football history. This is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. For all the good Levy does in building things, he makes decisions that knock everything down again. He did it with Jol, now he's doing it again. For me the time has come to hand over the reigns to someone else. Someone that shows the same sense of loyalty that Levy craves in his managers. If you want a manager to show loyalty, then show loyalty in him first. If and when we find another successful manager, somewhere down the line Levy will get bored of him and do the same again. The biggest threat to our consistency and success is the chairman, not the manager. He's got a lot to answer for.

posted on 14/6/12

As a Chelsea fan I can't help but draw comparisons to the sacking of Harry to the sacking of Jose in that both appear to have been sacked because their boss felt they were becoming bigger than the club or thought they were bigger than the club

comment by add912 (U9189)

posted on 14/6/12

It's very true, sums up exactly what I think of the Harry haters...

I honestly think that Levy has lost the plot, we were getting better and better with Rednapp each year and next season looked good!

He was the one who got Bale, Modric, Kaboul and BAE playing well. People think the game is like chemistry science or physics i.e you provide one variable and a certain reaction will happen; or like business where you sack somebody when they make a mistake. It does not work like that, there are so many variables and the squad was well suited to Rednapp. I think that Levy has been stupid in this case. Back to AVERAGE Tottenham now unfortunately.

posted on 14/6/12

an idiotic article by an idiotic man.

He's obviously sticking up for his good mate, but no one is trying to revise history about Harry or ignore his achievements as is suggested in that article.

The simple fact is Levy and the board will have had certain aims in mind, and decided that Harry failed to achieve those/is not the man to achieve them in the future.

Harry brought some fantastic football to WHL, and any spurs fan who is not grateful for that should hang their heads in shame. However Harry also had some MASSIVE failings, which many fans - and apparently the board, could not ignore.

posted on 14/6/12

As a Chelsea fan I can't help but draw comparisons to the sacking of Harry to the sacking of Jose in that both appear to have been sacked because their boss felt they were becoming bigger than the club or thought they were bigger than the club
Looks that way for sure. And you have got through a good few managers since

posted on 14/6/12

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comment by add912 (U9189)

posted on 14/6/12

fridgeboy (U1053)

I could not agree more with the last comment that you made!!!

posted on 14/6/12

Indeed and who knows how RDM will get on?

Harry to manage Chelsea from Feb?

posted on 14/6/12

Not just that, but we were going to have a summer where we were probably going to have to get over the loss of Modric.
Now, we're back to a summer of chaos

posted on 14/6/12


I agree with everything you say, other than Levy stepping down. Without Levy i dont believe our club would be anywhere near the good state its in at the moment (financial wise). But i think he should learn a bit more about how football works, as in how difficult it is to springboard from low table, mid-table, 4th & thereafter.

Even though we finished 5th inbetween the two 4th placed finishes, we could all see the improvements on the pitch, and our playing staff have more abaility now than i've seen since the 80's.

Obviously i'll support whoever comes in but my foresight into the future isnt a very good one right now, and i'm with you; all the Harry knockers will probably be the first ones complaining when/if things go backwards AGAIN!!

We are not City, we are not United & so our aim is to finish 3rd at absolute best, which we were 1pt off. Our best finish since the Prem began. Good move Spurs.

posted on 14/6/12

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comment by add912 (U9189)

posted on 14/6/12

I want a Billionaire to buy us out, and then we can sell our souls for success! Gutted! We'll never get anywhere like this!

posted on 14/6/12

That's it, are any of the managers being touted for the job better than Harry? No! If Levy has a master plan up his sleeve for a Mourinho, or trophy-winning manager I'd understand, but he doesn't - hope I'm wrong

posted on 14/6/12

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posted on 14/6/12

"an idiotic article by an idiotic man.

He's obviously sticking up for his good mate, but no one is trying to revise history about Harry or ignore his achievements as is suggested in that article.

The simple fact is Levy and the board will have had certain aims in mind, and decided that Harry failed to achieve those/is not the man to achieve them in the future.

Harry brought some fantastic football to WHL, and any spurs fan who is not grateful for that should hang their heads in shame. However Harry also had some MASSIVE failings, which many fans - and apparently the board, could not ignore. "

The most sensible comment on this article. Everyone thinks spurs are suddenly going to go into meltdown because Harry has left. I'm not one of those Harry haters by the way (far from it) but i can see the logic in this to be fair. Harry's time at spurs would of come to an end if he got offered the england job anyway so what would you of said then? I know he didn't get offered it but he certainly made a good show of trying to get offered it with countless interviews and views on the england situation.

It's been an absolute shambles in the 2nd half of the season and losing a 13 point lead over you're rivals is almost a sackable offence in itself. This has happened now for 2 seasons running. How can you not put atleast a bit of blame to the manager for this? The fact of the matter remains that 2 seasons running we have collapsed and lost out on the champions league because of this. 3rd would and should of been wrapped up ages ago but Harry took his eye off the ball and look what happened. We will get in a manager that will continue with the excellent work Harry has done and we will improve. I feel positive about this and think we will be fine.

posted on 14/6/12

Martin Samuels is one of the idiots who are trying to engineer all our best players leaving through his media outlets like his newspaper. Anything he says like all the other media knowalls I take with a complete pinch of salt. It is his opinion. I am quite capable of forming an opinion for myself, and do not need a journalist to do it for me thankyou.

posted on 14/6/12

If there are any of you that think Levy honestly has a plan B, don't forget he's the one that allowed two of our best strikers at the time without quotable replacement...

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