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These 31 comments are related to an article called:

An Outrage, or just An Outage?

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posted on 5/10/12

It seems the women, just like the men, weren't up for it on the day.. another moral victory to The Rams, even it we didn't get the three points to go with this one

comment by OOE (U3473)

posted on 5/10/12

posted on 5/10/12

Simply for the title of the article

posted on 5/10/12

They were more than likely running in the marathon

posted on 5/10/12

Why did they have to cancel the game because of no electricity? The thought of 22 naked nubile young women having to feel their way in the showers seems a good enough reason to me to play the game.

posted on 5/10/12

comment by I'm not Spartacus. Silva sunt stercore (U4603)
posted 2 minutes ago

Why did they have to cancel the game because of no electricity? The thought of 22 naked nubile young women having to feel their way in the showers seems a good enough reason to me to play the game.


....is that you, Dave1884?!!

posted on 5/10/12

Just when you thought your contempt for Forest had reached its highest peak, they find one more way to sicken all who follow this glorious game.

Not content with their appallingly dirty behaviour on the pitch which has seen refs up and down the country tried beyond the limits of their patience, forcing them to shower cards upon the Forest cloggers like confetti. Not content with trying to reduce the wonderful, skilful game we all enjoy to a contest of who can kick the ball up in the air the highest. Not content with haranguing officials the length and breadth of the land, trying to bully and intimidate them into sending opposing players from the field of play. Not content with rolling around on the ground every time they are fairly tackled, trying to cheat their way to a result, then whining and blubbing that everybody is against them. Not content with trying to fix sporting contests, cheating the honest punters of the land into losing their money so that they can line their own pockets and striking at the very heart of the spirit of sport itself.

And now this nauseating debacle caps it all. This is beyond pathetic. I have vomitted twice, I am so utterly sickened by this. They should be banned from football before they tarnish the great game even more.

posted on 5/10/12

Whist reading the article my eyes were drawn to this link. 'Butt Chugging'

""Upon extensive questioning it is believed that members of the fraternity were utilizing rubber tubing inserted into their rectums as a conduit for alcohol as the abundance of capillaries and blood vessels present greatly heightens the level and speed of the alcohol entering the blood stream as it bypasses the filtering by the liver," a police report read, according to the Post. This, like its seriously stupid -- and also really, really gross -- sister, the vodka tampon, is butt chugging, folks. And here we thought we were crazy to do beer bongs in college."

Take a look at the picture!



posted on 5/10/12

I think we all know the real reason this happened.

Due to a diary mix-up, F#rest accidentally fielded their Ladies XI against Derby's first team last Sunday, hence all the handbag waving and whinging about robust tackles from Bucko.

Note that I wouldn't have dared persue the 'Oppo are a bunch of girls' line when Ms. Robbie 'Flowing Locks' Savage (dis)graced the famous black & white, but I think we're OK for a bit of random misogyny this season.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 5/10/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 5/10/12

The staff was to busy recording us......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaPuP_E_mpk

posted on 5/10/12

Please don't have them banned Vidal, id miss the seasonal gift of 6points.

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 5/10/12

Just when you thought your contempt for Forest had reached its highest peak, they find one more way to sicken all who follow this glorious game.

Not content with their appallingly dirty behaviour on the pitch which has seen refs up and down the country tried beyond the limits of their patience, forcing them to shower cards upon the Forest cloggers like confetti. Not content with trying to reduce the wonderful, skilful game we all enjoy to a contest of who can kick the ball up in the air the highest. Not content with haranguing officials the length and breadth of the land, trying to bully and intimidate them into sending opposing players from the field of play. Not content with rolling around on the ground every time they are fairly tackled, trying to cheat their way to a result, then whining and blubbing that everybody is against them. Not content with trying to fix sporting contests, cheating the honest punters of the land into losing their money so that they can line their own pockets and striking at the very heart of the spirit of sport itself.

And now this nauseating debacle caps it all. This is beyond pathetic. I have vomitted twice, I am so utterly sickened by this. They should be banned from football before they tarnish the great game even more.


A little OTT?

comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 5/10/12

Yeah vidal, chill out FFS.

posted on 5/10/12

You'd think the Broccoli-badged-ones would take ladies’ football a bit more seriously, now – it’s all they’ve got to cling to now that the multi-million-dinar-funded promotion push has fallen flat.

posted on 5/10/12

I'm sad I had to bring this news out into the open, moreso because of the effect it's had on poor Vidals but it'd be remiss of me to not let everyone know just how low the Tricky Trees are prepared to stoop in their futile attempts to hide from our undoubted and continuing supremacy.

I hope we can put this whole sorry saga to bed now, until January at least.

posted on 5/10/12

Look... it was the wrong time of the month to play...

Both men and women

Now give us a break

posted on 5/10/12

It seems like it was a red rag to vidal then Webbo.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 5/10/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 5/10/12

It's the fans I feel sorry for; what about those who'd already set off when this fixture was cancelled at such short notice..?

Let's all take a moment to think about the ladies' support.

posted on 5/10/12

Bra-vo for the ladies' support.

Where's D(epr)ave(d)1884 when we need him?

posted on 5/10/12


posted on 5/10/12

Can we stop all this degenirating of poor Forest. Period.

posted on 5/10/12

We should have one of these threads every month

posted on 5/10/12

Sheep Botherer, Dave is still depressed after the game was called off

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