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Are United fans worried of the noisy neigh

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posted on 26/7/11

And you're probably not as thick as you are perceived to be, so stop acting like a moron.


I am only perceived to be thick by WUMs.

I can live with that, because it means I have got under their skin, which is what I set out to do in the first place.

posted on 26/7/11

Indeed. About time a bertie admitted that Manchester is red.

So Stockport/Oldhams blue too?

He was on about the amount of United fans trolling the City forums (check the MUEN and BlueMoon for proof).

posted on 26/7/11

He was on about the amount of United fans trolling the City forums (check the MUEN and BlueMoon for proof).

Was he really? Come on then genius, what's his log-in on Blue Moan?

posted on 26/7/11


Any chance of you talking football?

posted on 26/7/11

Liverpool are our rivals, city are just noisy neighbours (U6419)

It has his name in it(although he hardly posts on it)

Vidics chin?

Who will be relegated?

I think QPR, Swansea and Wigan

posted on 26/7/11

Can I have a 4 please?

posted on 26/7/11

good shout joe.

posted on 5/8/11

4 for you Joe

posted on 5/8/11

Joe is that you, you little tinker?

posted on 5/8/11


So after we win on sunday will United take City seriously?

posted on 5/8/11

It'll still just be a friendly if you win, and a taste of things to come if we win

posted on 5/8/11

Will Cleverly and Anderson be your CM's?

posted on 5/8/11

Seriously? Who said we don't? I seriously think city will finish above liverpool and arsenal, but that's not really saying much is it!
Beating us in the cup last year was a more important result than anything that happens on sunday

posted on 5/8/11

Looking that way with Carrick out and Fletcher currently weighing the same as a runway model. Maybe go 4-5-1 play Giggs, Park and Anderson or anderson Jones and Giggs but I wouldn't be impressed with that, much prefer 4-4-2

posted on 5/8/11

If you go 4-4-2 we will proberly over run you in the middle would you fancy Anderson and Clverly V Yaya, NDJ Barry/Milner?

For once I am very confident we will win(certainly more confident than the semi where I thought you would win).

posted on 5/8/11

With 4-4-2 Rooney will drop deeper and help out while still giving your defence something to worry about, don't find him as effective up top on his own.
Should be a good game, but like I said if you win it's just a friendly

posted on 5/8/11

Good god, this Vidicschin guy really is thick.

He's filtered my yet he still can't resist reply to my comments and articles.

You may have filtered me on this account, but I'm sure you can see my comments on your 'just another albooney' account. That's probably how you can see all my comments. Quite sad really.

I see Samir has also annihilated you. How many times have you been embarrassed by an Arsenal over the past few weeks? Don't you get fed up of making a fool of yourself?

Nice work Samir, you've only put weight on my (and lots of other peoples' argument.

This kid really is obsessed.

posted on 6/8/11


Wesley Sneijder wants to win his last Milan derby. With pride will take the field today in Beijing, and Gasperini gives him great freedom of movement. Then quickly make the suitcase. Wesley Sneijder and Inter close here: the Dutchman was sold to Manchester City for 36 million and can not be said to be a surprise. Real Madrid had paid for it 27 Ajax, Inter had taken at the cost of balance 15 million. From the economic point of view we can say that everyone will live happy, because the City provides the same rich engagement in Wesley Inter: over 6 million that Manchester United was not willing to pay.

posted on 6/8/11

Ignore the weapon above. He uses this forum to mock the Hillsborough disaster and has no desire to discuss football. Ignroe him and treat him with the disdain he deserves.

posted on 7/8/11

comment by I have no screen name. (U9474)
posted 2 days ago
If you go 4-4-2 we will proberly over run you in the middle would you fancy Anderson and Clverly V Yaya, NDJ Barry/Milner?
Nah can't see it, Anderson and Cleverley will be more than good enough to get us a win. 3-2 I think the score will be, Nani with 2 of them

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 7/8/11

City were pathetic

posted on 7/8/11

Quiet down, I'm trying to pretend I'm psychic

posted on 8/8/11

United wanted it more.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 8/8/11


the real question is, did you put your money where your mouth was? If so you must have done quite well.

Well predicted.

posted on 8/8/11

Really enjoyed yesterdays game. Great goals by nani and I loved watching young, welbeck and cleverly.

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