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Why do you need Aguero?

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comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 27/7/11

The inense rivalry did, were you actually around when City and United played in the 60's early 70's. Liverpool never got a mention as to rivalries because at the time all 4 including Everton were performing well.

Your talking out of your fundamnent mate it was a fergie inspired thing because United toppled Liverpool, who by the way have never won the prem, and City were well away from even turning up.

posted on 27/7/11

The inense rivalry did, were you actually around when City and United played in the 60's early 70's. Liverpool never got a mention as to rivalries because at the time all 4 including Everton were performing well.

This is partly correct.

Your talking out of your fundamnent mate it was a fergie inspired thing because United toppled Liverpool,

This however is complete bobbins.

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 27/7/11

Nope its not actually, if you look at all the comments about United and Liverpool rivalry on the web it might talk about city rivalry and the ship canal but the ealiest football rivalry comments are all from the Fergie era, there are absolutly none pre 80's.

posted on 27/7/11

Nope its not actually, if you look at all the comments about United and Liverpool rivalry on the web it might talk about city rivalry and the ship canal but the ealiest football rivalry comments are all from the Fergie era, there are absolutly none pre 80's.

So that proves it then. You get your info from the web because you weren't around back then,just as i suspected. And another johnny come lately is exposed.

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 27/7/11

Just because I use the web as a source of information doesnt mean I wasnt around then. Or are you saying all over 60's are computer illiterate?

See again with the insults and not addressing the points laid down. Which means you have as much idea of the history of your club as most plastics....so easy to dig up the stereotype....

By the way oh deep researcher have you managed to find ANY pre 80's liverpool united references in your 6 minute research time....thought not.

Lets go in for a little leason shall we.

Rival...A person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.
No way were United competing with Liverpool on the 70's early 80's and no way were Liverpool competing with the Busby babes of the 50's...so how could they actually be rivals?

posted on 27/7/11

United and Liverpool have had an intense rivalry for longer than Ferguson has been around. I remember when Liverpool were winning everything and the games between the two clubs being huge then. In fact, United often got the upper hand over their (then) superior counterparts during those games. Something which has, in the last couple of years, been echoed in Liverpool's performances over the superior United.

But the "banner" that makes up your username is intentionally belittling. It suggests that City, unlike Liverpool, are NOT rivals. Something which is not "fact" simply because we are, no matter how much you want to bury your head in the sand. And Citys-United's rivalry does pre-date the rivalry between United and Liverpool. That is not up for debate. City are not, nor have they ever been "just noisy neighbours". And that's why it also isn't a fact. It's nothing but a play on circumstance - an ironical statement that was made as a put down only after City started to compete on a more level footing.

Or in other words, it's just a soundbite, one not based in fact, but based on banter/put down. A comment/statement/banner that wouldn't have even been made had City not started to become a rival in the on-field competitive sense. Don't be surprised to see a similar put-down towards Liverpool should they start to be more competitive on the field to United over the next few seasons or so.

Which, in respect of on-field rivalry (where it really matters afterall), renders the banner ridiculous. City are more a threat on-field to United than Liverpool are at the moment. City cost United a place in the FA Cup final (just as United cost City a place in the League Cup final the season before), and City, unlike Liverpool, are now playing alongside United in the most prestigious club competition in the world.

So if you really do agree with the banner, then from a contemporary perspective at the very least you are a bit of an idiot.

posted on 27/7/11

good signing mancity.. I wish he came to chelsea, such a talent!

haters are gonna hate but am happy. we need more world class players in the PL

posted on 27/7/11

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 27/7/11

Sorry Ripley but I disagree, I cant remember the Doc, Busby, or any previous United manager actually having a rivalry with United. They were more concerned with trying to get back in the first division. Most of the Videos of the 70's were of United City games it was only later they became United Liverpool.

I honestly think you have to have been around in the 60's to know the City United rivalry ...think Neville gerrard then think Best Doyle...can you think of any player rivalries between united and liverpool in the 70's or 80's ?

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 27/7/11

Sorry Ripley but I disagree, I cant remember the Doc, Busby, or any previous United manager actually having a rivalry with United

Correction for United read Liverpool

posted on 27/7/11

To be honest I can't comment pre 90s, can't really comment during 90s either as the majority of it was spent going up and down Burnage Lane on an orange tricycle.

But I agree with the sentiment that we are currently more of an on field threat to United than Liverpool, meaning the rivalry has intensified, surely you have noticed this if you have been to a single derby in the past three seasons Noisy Neighbours?

Your username refers to a rivalry that is currently dormant, reference to it is living in the past, something which I would expect more to come from a Scouser.

posted on 27/7/11

Yes the rivalry has intensified and yes it will continute to do so. I do also get a great deal of satisfaction from United beating city as i live and work in Manchester. However i prefer matches against Liverpool and the Liverpool rivalry means more to me personally. Can't say fairer than that.

posted on 27/7/11

Your OP, you're entitled to it. Personally my opinion is that the Manchester derby means more because living and working in the city you are more likely to come across a blue or red than you are a Scouser. Not much banter to be had when you go out with the lads and none of them support Liverpool.

posted on 27/7/11

umpteenth_time_user (U3205)
Of What Heroin or Coke?

Don't deny it your off your head with posts like this!

posted on 27/7/11

Op please stick to tennis as concerning football you're about as bright as a one watt bulb mate.

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 27/7/11

AS far as my memory serves Liverpools main rivals in the late 60's early 70's were Leeds and Arsenal. It was fairly heated at times.

posted on 27/7/11

Woops. Looks like someone has used their wrong account to make that comment

Your not from Manchester are you?

Did you have a username on 606 called Clayton red? I guess yes!!

posted on 27/7/11

Joe, you are making no sense. I made a comment about LEE1PEN's reference to Oldham Athletic on his personal member space, to which you replied "Where have I ever said I am from Oldham or Stockport... Ashton Road." I then assumed from this(perhaps wrongly) that you had two accounts, the one which made the comment from and LEE1PEN. Seen as how i'd made a comment to LEE1PEN and you replied as if you were him. As for the second part of your post, you lost me at "Did."

posted on 27/7/11

Liverpool are our rivals, city are just noisy neighbours (U6419)

I apoligise

posted on 27/7/11

Joe Harts Dance Instructor Ruining football is cool. (U2824)


posted on 27/7/11

I dont usually say sorry to rags

posted on 27/7/11

The OP says that Tevez cost £47 Million, how is it then that the club have it in their accounts as £25.5 Million - The same accounts that are scrutinized by the FA, UEFA and Companies House.

Somebody's telling porkies and I don't think it's City.

posted on 28/7/11

Strange really, I get the impression that most 606 users know more about our clubs finances and infrastructure than those that actually work for, or support the club.

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