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posted on 9/1/13

Phil Brown

posted on 9/1/13

Hignett, really wants the job, good contacts in the game. Laughing stock now may as well give it Higgy till the end of the season. Stop chasing people who aren't bothered.

posted on 9/1/13

redfern and hignet till end of season

posted on 9/1/13

Why did butch say no?

posted on 9/1/13

felt he owed something to his team

posted on 9/1/13

Because we are bottom of the championship with only slightly more money than the team he is currentley managing but with FA hope of getting out of the position we are in. Don't know about plan C, I'm worried there are only 26 letters in the alphabet..

I worry that Rowing will be picking the team soon....

posted on 9/1/13

posted on 9/1/13

Because we have no chance of staying in this division. Let us face it - this job is a poisoned chalice. I would stick with Flitcroft - might as well. Save money on the compensation package. Redfearn and Hignett is just a nostalgic choice. I will be there Saturday cheering on the team - if we haven't sold it all. Bargain basement down at Barnsley right now...

posted on 9/1/13

Pia Sundhage
Not only a woman but openly gay, should go down well with the Ponty end. She could bring Alex Morgan with her, can't be worse than Daggers up front, certainly easier on the eye.

posted on 9/1/13

Sexist. homophobic. prejudiced, deluded - sounds like an average Barnsley fan.

posted on 10/1/13


posted on 10/1/13

'no chance of staying in this division'
Utter tosh, 20 games left 60 points up for grabs 29 would probably see us right, a tall order as we are bottom but its January ffs not April.
'Job is a poisoned chalice'
How so? If you take it and fail, you get paid out anyway and nobody expected you to perform miracles anyway, Kudos if you keep us up! Chelsea manager is a poison chalice, Liverpool job is a poison chalice. Where expectation always exceeds reality. We have a squad of players who need motivating and a transfer window to bring in a few in certain areas. It's a challenge sure, we have no money, but that makes it tough, not impossible.
'Redfearn and Hignett is nostalgic choice'
In the long term maybe, but we sacked the best choice for a long term manager last month because he got lost on the way. In the short term (which is what we are left with) Hignett/Redfearn might just unite the fans and bring some belief to the place, just enough to inspire the players to put in the graft and confidence to get enough points to stay up. I've seen enough footballers at this level to know there's not many who truly lack ability, they are all professionals after all. The biggest factors are confidence and belief. Give the players we have some of that and we can give anyone in this division a game. Go tell Swansea and Bradford it's only technical ability and the size of a players wage packet that matters.

posted on 10/1/13

Bring back Davey

posted on 10/1/13

Bring back Glyn Hodges

posted on 10/1/13

Smaller than Inverness

posted on 10/1/13

I have a selection of rose tinted spectacles going cheap.

posted on 10/1/13

never used

posted on 10/1/13

Sorry Richie - just winding you up!

posted on 10/1/13

I'm just trying to stay positive. if that means donning a pair of rose tinted specs for a bit, so be it. Doesn't wind me up at all.
Being called Sexist. homophobic. prejudiced and deluded does though. I'd love to see that lot explained!

posted on 10/1/13

I am past caring to be honest. Whoever gets the job will have a mammoth task, but will hopefully provide a much needed lift to the team. Steele says he hopes Flicker gets the job, and I think he will as well. He and Hill came as a pair, but Flicker has yet to have a chance on his own and who knows, he might do a good job.

posted on 11/1/13



posted on 11/1/13

Haha. Even Wikipedia is getting desperate.

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