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Modric must now be the number 1 target

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posted on 28/7/11

I don't understand why you don't just offer more money. You have loadsa money

posted on 28/7/11

PSG have more?

posted on 28/7/11

PSG are ruining football. It's clear he is only doing it for the Qatari sugar daddy's money, that's the only reason why he would Pastore would choose a historyless club like PSG over us.

posted on 28/7/11


Now the worst new money club!

You don't even have double barrelled surnames!

posted on 28/7/11

Perhaps Chlesea could buy Carroll

posted on 28/7/11

They missed out on Jo as well

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 28/7/11

I don't understand why you don't just offer more money


He's joining them for 45M??? Now i'd love Pastore at Chelsea, but that simply isn't value for money. Neymar's release clause is less n he's a better player.

comment by Hizmo (U1691)

posted on 28/7/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 28/7/11

I don't understand why you don't just offer more money. You have loadsa money


And after we pay the required amount, will you be joining that bandwagon that is bound to react with
"too expensive, another Sheva, Chelsea ruins market with ridiculous price tags.... " etc?

posted on 28/7/11

he hasn't gone yet

posted on 28/7/11

"And after we pay the required amount, will you be joining that bandwagon that is bound to react with
"too expensive, another Sheva, Chelsea ruins market with ridiculous price tags.... " etc?"

Of course. We're fickle.

posted on 28/7/11

HHHBF (U6522)

That's Euro's though not pounds, all in all £40m for Pastore isn't that bad, if it's £35m as initially reported then someone needs to be sacked IMO.

The only thing I can think of is that PSG offered better personal terms. I can't see why any player worth his salt would want to go to PSG, even if Paris is a nice city he'll get bored of Disneyland after a few months

posted on 28/7/11

I don't understand why you don't just offer more money. You have loadsa money


And after we pay the required amount, will you be joining that bandwagon that is bound to react with
"too expensive, another Sheva, Chelsea ruins market with ridiculous price tags.... " etc?

That's the plan

posted on 28/7/11

he hasn't gone yet
I hope so too, but it seems he's now likely to go to PSG, considering the amount of rumour circulating.
I hope this rumour ends up like the Neymar rumour, about him signing for Madrid.

posted on 28/7/11

I hope he goes to PSG. I really don't want my favourite non-Arsenal player to play for Chelsea.

Stay away from London, Javier!

posted on 28/7/11

He's gone, the sooner people realise it the better, we are as deluded as Liverpool fans if we think otherwise.

posted on 28/7/11

y Bubbles - Soon to be Don_chelsea (U7929)
posted 14 minutes ago
PSG are ruining football. It's clear he is only doing it for the Qatari sugar daddy's money

pot calling kettle black their where would you be with out roman massive losses year on year . if you did not have a sugga daddy you would have ended up in administration and probaly not in the premier league

posted on 28/7/11

comment by Bubbles - Soon to be Don_chelsea (U7929)
posted 11 minutes ago

PSG are ruining football. It's clear he is only doing it for the Qatari sugar daddy's money, that's the only reason why he would Pastore would choose a historyless club like PSG over us.


posted on 28/7/11

seems sarcasm is lost on some

posted on 28/7/11

3 words bubbles........Jon Obi Mikel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on 28/7/11

there was no sarcasm what so ever in his little rant and you know it mr chelsea. whats it like not being the richest club now?

posted on 28/7/11

Chill out Scrotie! We're all friends here!

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 28/7/11

"PSG are ruining football. It's clear he is only doing it for the Qatari sugar daddy's money, that's the only reason why he would Pastore would choose a historyless club like PSG over us."

"there was no sarcasm what so ever in his little rant and you know it mr chelsea. whats it like not being the richest club now?"


i love the expression, 'taking the bait' ..... but in this instance i think you really are a fish. Got the brain of one anyway

posted on 28/7/11

We need ambitious players. If its Pastores choice to join PSG then he is not the player for us.

If the decision is not his,but his club's,then I feel sorry for the lad!

posted on 28/7/11

im crying my eyes out
whats it like being a mid table club with an old outdated manager who is stil stuck in the 70s like the majority of its fans ?

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