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Two more signings?

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posted on 28/7/11

For a creative midfielder why not try Silva in a more creative role in the centre (which he can do and has done before) have de Jong and Toure behind him and Johnson and Balotelli/Aguero on the wings:



comment by Charlag (U1717)

posted on 28/7/11

Isn't Silva your creative midfielder?

posted on 28/7/11

Hilderbrand who was spotted on CityTV and Nasri... then if Tevez leaves a swap deal with Snejider... God I can remeber being excited about Musampa..

posted on 28/7/11

Ahh Musampa!

Over reliance on Silva was a problem last season, 99% of anything creative we did had to come through him.

I don't think there's any chance that Mancini will change the midfield set up of two DMs, Yaya in an advanced central role, Silva on the left, but there is a position available on the right.

If you read an article I recently wrote, you'll see why I don't fancy Adam Johnson for that role. Balotelli is also another option, but can we rely on him for the whole season?

Last season our midfield was tired and stretched when we were still in the Europa League, so far we have done nothing to address this and add depth to this department, and we have in fact lost Viera.

Ideally we would clone David Silva and have two on the pitch, but another player in his mould, one on either side of Yaya, could absolutely run most oppositions midfields and defences ragged.

posted on 28/7/11

Well for what it is worth I think Nasri will replace Barry, meaning Yaya will move back(for the tougher matches Milner for Nasri.)

posted on 28/7/11

I thought it was Berti that you were excited for

posted on 28/7/11

Glauber Berti?

posted on 28/7/11

I'd put in Milner for Barry, and then Nasri and Silva on either side of Yaya.

Think it's time we wafted 25m under the Gooner's noses and see what Wenger has to say about that.

In terms of a keeper, I'm a big fan of Cudacini but I think he's just signed a new contract with the Spuds, probably go for Sorenson or Gordon...

posted on 28/7/11

Is there any other Berti

posted on 28/7/11


I still love Berti!!

posted on 28/7/11

Up there with Salifou is the biggest Premier League legends

posted on 28/7/11

I was there when Berti played

posted on 28/7/11

so was i, bolton at home, when the great caicedo scored!

posted on 28/7/11

... Apparently we're supposed to feel guilty about going from that, to where we are now

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 28/7/11

I miss Berti

posted on 28/7/11

Time to look for the Berti thread on BlueMoon..

posted on 28/7/11

Anyone going to wembley next week?
I'm intrigued to see if the southerners will do that fire drill thingy again

posted on 28/7/11

I am going less than 60 squid to see another trophy(hopefully) you going mate?

posted on 28/7/11

I like to think there's a bit of Bertie in all of us

I'm not making the trip, already booked off for Bolton away and August is going to be an expensive month as it is without paying £4 a pint in Landan!

Will be watching on the telly though, maybe it will be a bomb threat or gas leak that causes them all to leave this time?

posted on 28/7/11

August is going to be an expensive month as it is without paying £4 a pint in Landan!

You could get pi55ed on the train before the match!

posted on 28/7/11

Got my ticket online yesterday
What's with the £5 odd booking fee?
Does that go to wembley as we don't normally charge that do we?
I'll be in the Green Man,meeting a couple of blues stranded in Dorset these days who I used to sit with in the north stand at Maine rd years ago
Anyone got season card yet?
No sign of mine yet

posted on 28/7/11

I did that in the car down last time, got to the ground and thought I'm not paying that so was sober by the final whistle

No not arrived yet either.

posted on 29/7/11

I got our tickets on the phone couldn't get through on line after over 1hr. 15mins on phone. Me and my lad still waiting for our SC's to come.

Cant believe tickets gone on general sale with all categories still open. I know times are hard but how many chances do you get to go to Wemberley.

posted on 29/7/11

Hopefully, many more!

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