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More classless behaviour from the Magoo's

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posted on 29/7/11

The spam filter won't let post the link, but it's a video of Aguero being interviewed on the city and site, and low and behold the first question he is asked.....is about Manchester United. Can’t wait for the press conference, when Aguero will likely trot out the line all the new signings are told to say about Mancunians being blues.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 29/7/11

All that money, all those class players, CL this year and they ask a new signing about us? What's wrong with them?

posted on 29/7/11

Its not suprise is it? All CIty players new and old are briefed on a daily basis about Manchester United.

In interviews if they dont mention either -

1. Real mancunians support City.


2. City are the biggest club in Manchester

They automatically get docked 2 weeks wages, the average accross the squad is about £300,000

posted on 29/7/11

yeah do have to wonder if that complete bufoon Cook actually does hand them a piece of paper with a few optional digs at Manchester United written on it with the instructions that at least 1 of the following must be read out aloud.

The thing I find weird is that none of the City fans are bothered by this... if it was a player signing for United and they mentioned Liverpool (our true rivals) I would be annoyed as hell I don't want to hear that, I want to hear why you signed for Manchester United not some cheap pop at a rival.

posted on 29/7/11

What was the question he was asked about Manchester United BTW?

posted on 29/7/11

Trawling City's website so early in the morning.

...and I thought Obsession was by Kelvin Klein.

posted on 29/7/11

Do not watch the fans reaction to him! CRINGEEEE!!!!

"We have karate boy"

posted on 29/7/11

Trawling Uniteds board so early in the morning Inky, you can hardly talk about obsession its rare to see a comment from you not related to United in some way

posted on 29/7/11

Not Arrogant Just Better MUFC 19 We are buying a brand new perch this old one smells funny 19 (U9396)

Did you get to Birningham safe on your unicycle?

posted on 29/7/11

Trawling City's website so early in the morning.

...and I thought Obsession was by Kelvin Klein.

It was on the United fan site Republic of Mancunia last night. I tried to provide the link but this site now has a spam filter

posted on 29/7/11

The OP has serious jealousy issues. Aguero doesn't mention United once, he just said they he liked playing in Atletico v Real games and is looking forward to playing in a Manchester Derby.

posted on 29/7/11

Boris you need to learn to read son the OP doesn't say Aguero mentions us at all, i know its hard for you but do try otherwise your just making yourself look stupid.

posted on 29/7/11

Jealousy seems to be a City buzz word at the moment i don't know how anyone could possibly be jealous of your club i don't think any real football fans would want their club to become what yours has tbh

posted on 29/7/11

The OP has serious jealousy issues. Aguero doesn't mention United once, he just said they he liked playing in Atletico v Real games and is looking forward to playing in a Manchester Derby.

Whereas this poster just has stupidity issues. Where did i say it was Aguero who brought up United? It was the interviewer who just coudn't resist it. And like i said, someone at city will be briefing Aguero on the old party line ahead of his press conference. And let this be a lesson to you, try reading the article and comments in full (if you you're capable of doing so) before passing judgement in future.

posted on 29/7/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 29/7/11

Boris you need to learn to read son the OP doesn't say Aguero mentions us at all, i know its hard for you but do try otherwise your just making yourself look stupid.

He also accuses me of being obsessed despite the fact that he's on the Manchester United board Stupid isn't the word!

posted on 29/7/11

now i'm bitter?

i'm just been honest son, the day this club gets taken over and used as a rich mans plaything will be the day winning no longer has any meaning,

iv'e read a few posts by you now and it seems your unable to get your opinions across without throwing childish insults all over the place at the same time, don't respond to this whilst i don't agree with the use of the filter i sure as hell won't ever be responding to you again

posted on 29/7/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 29/7/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 29/7/11

Only an idiot, and there are many on this board would describe it as 'Classless'.


they're are a few yes but hopefully as the day wears on you and Joe harts dance instructor will find your way over to the city board

posted on 29/7/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 29/7/11

<yawn> The Magoo's are touchy this morning. Try clicking on the link directly above Manchester United if you want to continue your bitter ramblings or face the filter function. Your choice.

posted on 29/7/11

Deleting reasonable comments. Real classy.

posted on 29/7/11

Boris Inky Aguero (U5901)


posted on 29/7/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

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