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These 22 comments are related to an article called:

First Test

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posted on 15/6/13

posted on 15/6/13

No Manu?

posted on 15/6/13

he'll be the impact sub Edin for me, BOD is BOD you cant leave him out and roberts is in great form

posted on 15/6/13

Roberts looked pretty injured to me, the look on his face said Tour over im afraid.

posted on 15/6/13

have to wait and see Sporty hopefully nothing too serious

posted on 15/6/13

Indeed Mex mate

Anyone watching Scotland vs SA?

Scotland are winning and defending like a boss. WHo ever they have in the 4 jersey is playing like a Rhino right now.

posted on 15/6/13

nah not watching, is england game on bbc tonight?

posted on 15/6/13

Yeah at 8pm.

Big news Wade and Barrit have been called up from England to join the Lions...looks really bad for Roberts now

posted on 15/6/13

so is wade playing tonight now or not?, is jonny may injured aswell still cant believe he isnt in the england side if not, he's the most talented of the lot in the back line

posted on 15/6/13

Usually if the Lions have called you up it means you drop everything and go immediately on the first flight, boat, donkey out.

No way they'd risk injury in the England game and potentially miss playing for the Lions.

posted on 15/6/13

Lions are butchering our development tour I want what is best for England, which is selfish I know, but I make no apologies for that. If Wade gets into the test squad I will be happy but if not then it isn't good.

posted on 15/6/13

just announced wade will leave immeadiately and Jonny May at fooking last will make his test debut at RW for england

posted on 15/6/13

Aristo whilst i understand why you feel that way I can't think of much better development than being on a Lions Tour...especially considering two of our best coaches are there already

posted on 15/6/13

I guess I can find solace in the fact that Jonny May gets a shot now and Wade has probably done enough already to be first choice wing.

posted on 16/6/13

Crazy news, Shane Williams is playing for the Lions on Tuesday.

Team is:

Team: R Kearney; C Wade, B Barritt, B Twelvetrees, S Williams; S Hogg, B Youngs; R Grant, R Best (capt), M Stevens, I Evans, R Gray, S O'Brien, J Tipuric, T Faletau.

Replacements: R Hibbard, A Corbisiero, D Cole, G Parling, D Lydiate, C Murray, O Farrell, S Zebo

posted on 16/6/13

Sporty thats bloody ridiculous!

posted on 16/6/13

I know Shane's a pro and always been in top shape but surely as soon as you join a Japanese team at 36 years old you tone the training regime down a lot?

posted on 16/6/13

Of course. Look he was a magic player. No doubt,But let be honest. He Retired at the right time. On the downslope of a great career. There is no way in hell he's going to be at this level. Even if he was playing in a decent part of the rugby world. He was pretty much outgunned when he retired in the first place. All anyone needed to do was kick at him and have a decent winger chace and he was always caught shot in the air due to his size.

This is an awful decision by Gatland. I know he's got a bias toward the welsh players but this is just beyond belief

posted on 16/6/13

Have to agree on this one.

If they picked him because he's geographically closer than most other options then thats bonkers. If they picked him on form then that's even worse.

Big admirer of Shane btw, and for a few years he really was right up there with the best but this is a bizarre decision.

One thing to note is that Gats wants him for 3 days only, to feature in one game. I guess maybe he didnt feel he could ask an aspiring player to commit to that although I bet any of them would

posted on 16/6/13

Agree with all of the above

This is extracting the urine now.

I could agree with Wade, but Barritt and then Williams is just getting stupid and its a bit unfair on Australia. Sure there will be injuries, buts thats why you take a squad rather than a first XV and replacements and how must players like Visser & Gilroy feel - they'll need no motivation when they next line up against Wales!

posted on 16/6/13

Not to mention what this must do to the moral of the squad. They have got to be thinking that a lions shirt is not as special as all that if a bloody pensioner hobbit can be called into the squad on the whim of a total bloody fool manager. I really thought it would be Gats big mouth that would land him in hot water, but this is just nuts! No other way to see, particularly if you consider Shane Williams Only started the dead rubber game in South africa 4 years ago! He wasn't good enough then to start and he's certainly not good enough now. Sorry but on this i feel very strongly about. Gatland has just turned this tour into a bloody farce!

posted on 18/6/13

I'm annoyed that Shane didn't turn it down. I thought he had more respect for himself than that.

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